Tuesday, May 29, 2007
MY LINE'S BEING BARRED,NEVERTHELESS YOU'ALL CAN CALL AND TEXT ME.JUST THAT I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO REPLY OR CALL.heated arguements,pushings,spoiling relationships;i really dread it.we're both sick and tired of everything,didn't know what we're holding on to,wanting to make things go right,but we just couldn't.telling shits;really nice,but could be better.not the right one,cannot change means cannot.so what if you've cheated on all the others,at a time even juggling at 6;are you like so proud of it?you better not be,you should be ashamed.even doing that to your most beloved,didn't you think about the others before you do anything?don't tell me that you're stupid and dumb for staying loyal all the past half year,that's just not the case,you're NOT!if not, why would you have thost messages in your phone?flirting is already wrong,wake up your bloody idea la.gonna stop here,no mood for anything.damn!
12:52 PM
Sunday, May 27, 2007
i don't know why such things always happen to me,
what does all these suppose to mean?
i've got a tuition assignment again.
good thing it's opposite my place,
and i'm teaching my brother's senior in school.
i'm going out for some therapies today,
hope it all goes well,
and i'll feel much better.
i think i lost my handphone AGAIN!
my sim card and my mum's phone.
my life's been fucked up recently,
J: I'll quit smoking when i get you,i've only got desire for you now. I wanna touch you,you make me so horny and you wanna leave. <-- -.- what is this man?!?! fucktards.
4:21 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
sometimes i wish i could love,could be nice,could be a better person,to be so much so much more.but it's all just 'i wish' and 'i wish',everyone's always doing this,ain't it?i'm don't know why i'm feeling this way,don't know if i've got every right to feel this way,or even worse i'm emo.nobody seems to know what i want,maybe it's me asking too much,thus having always to be disappointed.i didn't really wanna talk to anyone about anything,'cause i just couldn't trust.like no more from the past,once bitten twice shy aye?i'm going for a holiday,leave this evil place for a while to clear my head.gonna look around now,company's welcome.
4:52 AM
i've just realised,
and asked myself;
when am i really happy?
i can't think of any time at the moment.
those times when i thought i was happy,
it didn't turned out to be what i expected.
it seems like i'm always driving on,
but end up being accused of.
i'm so sick of all these shit la,
i farking want my life back on track,
all those dumb things i've put myself through;
it's enough.
it's all a torture,
don't say it's the same to you,
'cause i don't blardy see that.
i'm always the one giving,
the one doing,
and everything.
sitting around and boss,
slack and be lazy,
oh my,
when did it became me?
you never fail to me make feel so pissed,
but yet what can i do?
i can't friggin' do anything,
sometimes i wish i could just pack and go;
there's nothing to hold on to actually,
nothing at all.
i've done so much,
waste so much.
no way can i bring all those back,
all thanks to you.
it's always you you you and you!
when did you ever thought about the others?
all you do it flare up,
don't wait till that day,
i'll just do the same to you.
you wouldn't want that,
'cause i'll make you sound so bad,
and make you lose everything.
you may think i'm not capable of that now,
and what,
you don't know me at all i tell you.

i'm losing myself.
3:43 AM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
and i returned home at 3 last night;
where else did i go?
clarke quay;
running back and forth between gotham penthouse and attica.
the show at gotham's not as nice as the first time i watched it,
they changed the show already,
but the male dancers are the same.
and as usual,
i had a lot to drink.
maybe i should stop drinking too.
i was still able to get online after i'm home,
till about 5.30am.
slept abit at the couch,
then went back into my bedroom.
i'm up at 11am,
got a call from my brother's friend's mother,
asking me to tutor his son.
daddy's coming home later,
and i bet mummy's gonna bitch about me till like fcuk.
'cause i've been a bad bad girl to her,
all the late nights,no jobs and no nothing.
i'm going back to bed for a while now,
before she comes home from her hair dye session.
gonna do up her birthday card soon too,
it's nearing.
i came across something yesterday,
tears stung my eyes.
i love you all so much that i'm looking past everything,
but what shit are you'all giving me?
i felt like it's reasonable for me to hate,
but yet,
it's the love.
so strong,
putting everything down,
and i can't do it.

I'm disappointed in you(more than one),really.
11:13 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
so yesterday,
i've got a soft toy,
namely a baby penguin.
that's like so 'duh' la,
i didn't even really like it,
and was being bought as a gift to me.
i didn't what to say,
but only,
self centered.
if you like it,
buy it for yourself.
'cause one man's food is the other man's poison.
you like it doesn't mean i like it aye.
and don't keep asking me if i like it or not,
'cause you'd already bought it,
and i would just smile back.
and anyway,
i'm having fun video calling on msn recently,
and and!
the insomia's back.
fark it.
i'm only going to bed in the morning lo,
then sleep till noon.
mummy's not happy with it,
but can't blame me,
i did try to sleep early already.
there's a bugger though,
keep pissing me off today.
fooling around while i was on cam,
forget it.
i'm going to make some calls for now.
till then,
6:37 PM
it's been more than a year already,
i've move on,
but somehow i didn't let go.
i still does think back about it,
the good times,
the talks,
and you taught me how to grow.
being there whenever i need you,
it was great.
thank you.
holding me in your arms,
wiping me tears away,
i just felt like i'm the happiest girl in the world.
that's how you made me feel.
though now,
things are different,
but know that i'll still be here,
and i hope you'll still be there.
this is so random.
6:28 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
hmmms.my blog seems so quiet,it's almost dying.and i've still got lots to update about;how i've been,what have i been doing,and the pictures!i haven't got them up.gosh~i've got so much so much things to do,and so little time.alrights,let's just try to lessen my load now.the week after my birthday,wednesday;i went out for ladies night with my cousin;pat.we club hopped like nobody's business,entries are free,and needless to talk about drinks;we were being bought drinks for the whole night.pat asked me,do you always get this kind of treatment?i told her,i guess it's just normal aye?LOLS.we met quite a number of people,and had lots of fun,even got a lift home.and so the following saturday,we got invited to a costume party.damn the costume shop,closed early and we stood outside like idiots.still went in the end;without costumes,but some DJ give me props.left early due to some stupid things.and did i mention i watch the show at gotham penthouse already?it was just so so,but the guys got chest,and that's my thing.=pthis previous wednesday,it's the same;party!yesterday,met up with yingling.fag and brooze a bit,catch up.it's sunday now.mummy's not that happy with my lifestyle,i'm staying home.there're bills to pay,debts to clear,and i'm very broke once again.shit.
i wanna go on a holiday!~
3:35 PM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
180507,howard's birthday.we had a bbq session over at his condo,and it's not a stone throw away from his block.it's damn far,and isolated!not much people turned up in the first place,but when it starts to rain,and we gotta pack to go back.boom!alot of people were gathered in the house.holly shit,his place's not big enough to house all of them lo.alot of noises were made,the place was smoky.thus i hid in the room,and forbad anyone from coming in.except yingting,randy and a few of the others,which we played spin the bottle thereafter.the whole celebration ended at around 4am.went out to have some food,'cause all didn't have much during bbq.headed back to howard's place after everything,left the guys to clean the place up,while i went off to bed.i sort of dislike being there at first,but things were ok in the end;and i met my private school mate;jason.good day to everyone!(:
6:13 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
rested for a day;and it's may's birthday celebration!060507,a day before her actual birthday.we had bbq near chris place;it's just downstairs only la.quite some people came,the clique was there,and some of may and chris's gamepals were present too.the birthday cake was delicious,may was so nice la;she gave me a piece to go home with.chris's mum is sweet too!she kept asking me to eat,and i ended up eating alot;stuffing myself way too full.there were lotsa of left overfood,hope may and chris's family managed to finish them the next day.it's been so long since the clique sat down and talk,i'm glad we did catch up a bit that day.meet up soon!(:anyway,finally met benn's girlfriend!she's so lovely!she got to know about us(the clique) even before meeting us and knowing us,she really does her homework well.so benn-y,you'd better treat her good,if not....she got me a present,i'll post up the picture of it soon.she DIY it hor,thanks girl!i love it!(:lastly,only picture taken on may's celebration.i forgot to take my group pictures on my birthday,grrr.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY! (belated) :p
3:52 AM
poof~just posted up a few of the entries that was written some days ago;about my birthday celebration.and i'm just done with my new work friendster,it's kind nice la.but sighs,it's related to work.so BOOS!feel free to pop by though;http://www.friendster.com/43245423i'm gonna post up another entry with picture/s before i get some winks.and i'm so over with it,even though i'm still stuck in this mess,i'm putting nothing in already.got a lot to update!oh gosh,i must return to blogging constantly.if not,my webby will rot.I am just me.
3:49 AM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
i know i've been slacking away,
haven't been blogging and all.
i'm here with my birthday post ya?
sure thang!
this year,
my birthday's held at Sky Pub again.
couldn't think of any places to go,
and sky is like my home;
so there we go!

met up with pat at central,
she passed me the camera,
and we had fried mars bars.

i got my terrible face made-up there too!
$45, not that steep.

afterwhich i went to collect my cake at plaza singapura,
met up with noel for a while,
and he gave me a peck on the cheek before we parted.
took cab to drop the cake at sky first,
then to central meet up with may and xuanhong;
wait for the rest.

3:15 PM
clarke quay,
used to be our favorite hang out;
for dinner.
the food there was good la,
not too expansive too.
should try!

after dinner,
we walked all the way to the pub.
and it's turn to start partying!
-ma clique.
-falfen with jordon's gang.
-carrin and me.
-vivian and me.
-apple and me.
-apple,me and drunkard may.
3:10 PM
everybody wanted me to put up a dance,
but i'm very sorry;
i wasn't in a mood for it.

yalun acted as my pole,
but still i couldn't groove.
i run away,
taking a picture with my brother and martell respectively.

around 11 plus,
it's turn for the cake to shed some light.
3:05 PM

the usual birthday song was sang,
and it's time to cut and distruibe the cakes.
i got a box of lovely donuts,
it's yummy too;
from may and xuanhong.
my youngest uncle dropped by just to hand me my birthday present,
so sweet!
two of my brother's friend came too;
aislnn and kelvin.
aislnn got me a present too,
how nice!
3:00 PM
one of the tables of my aunties and uncles gave this to me too.they specially booked a table 2 weeks in advance,and rushed down from work to celebrate with me.hees.so all in all.i had a wonderful birthday this year! (:
2:58 AM
Sunday, May 06, 2007
i've decided to open my blog again!(:due to some reasons,and it's quite a hassle to sign in to read,isn't it?hahas.anyway,i just came home from may's birthday bbq.gonna go shower first.will update when i can,and yes i know,i owe quite a few entries;with pictures.till then~
11:17 PM
Saturday, May 05, 2007
20th April;friday.
celebrating patt-y's birthday!
daddy's home,
and as pat was over since the night before,
she joined us for family day.
there're some of her obsence pictures,
but she didn't dare to send me,
'cause i told her i'll put them all in my blog.
so we went to my granny's place first,
and she snapped me.

4:20 PM
plans to movies was cancelled,
thus we went for dinner at dian xiao er;
ang mo kio hub.
4:19 PM
plans to chocolate buffet was cancelled,
'cause we're not in time,
and we went to movies in the end.
afterwhich we headed to cafe iguana,
that's when all the fun happened.

when it all end,
we just gotta go back home and rest.
random pictures taking!
4:18 PM
i've got so many pictures to upload!!
i'll do them within the next few entries.
it's been so awesome!
my cuzzie's (Pat) birthday.
all the stupidly random pictures.
and i really mean it,
see to believe.
last but not least;
my birthday pictures!!
will put them all up soon!
stay tuned!
4:16 PM
Friday, May 04, 2007
i wanted to post something up on the 2nd of may,but due to some reasons i did not.but i did done up an entry,it's typed against my conscience.anyway,mummy and brother are back from thailand.they didn't do much shopping this year,practically brought nothing back.mummy got me a bottle of perfume from duty-free,not the one i wanted though;'cause it's too costly there.think i'll go get it myself,cheaper.so on the 3rd may,i went to bugis.shopped around thinking of spending again;bad habit!came home,got hooked on scrabble.i won!and it's 4th may now!meaning;i'm 8teen!hees~looking forward to tonight's celebration,hope it'll turn out right!gonna run now;sleep.long day tomorrow!seeya people!
4:20 AM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
granny just gave me an angbao for my birthday!
aww~she remembers it.smiles!daddy knew of my plans to celebrate with my friends on friday,but i've yet to order a cake.i don't wanna put blames on others,it's just me being disorganised and lazy.i'm disappointed in some people,they just can't seem to come up with an answer.it's just a simple question to celebrate a friend's birthday,ahhh.forget it!i've sent out my invites sincerely,till the end;it's your choice whether to turn up or not.i don't wanna force anyone,but i hope all would come.mummy's coming home with lionel tomorrow night,maybe close to midnight.hope they had fun over in thailand.i'm logging off already,bye bye.It's here again.
8:53 PM
lala~yesterday was a darn rushed day.since mommy's out of town,i woke up really early to prepare my brother off to school.went back to sleep,woke up near noon;did some chores and got online.slacked a little while,and it's time to get busy.spent a whole load on cabs yesterday!OMGAWD!*slap forehead*rushed to get cash and checked some bills,before going to connie's place to check her out for a while,then to gek poh shopping centre;drop my brother off to grandma's place.wanted to have manicure service with may at gek poh,but the shop was closing,and price're quite steep.thus we head off to jurong point;citi-bella.the last time i went there's for express manicure,no doubt this time too.'cause the service girls wasted my time,and i had to rush off for a meeting straight after that.left may there to finish her manicure,and we noticed;we're always the last customer doing our nails!LOLS.meeting was so-so,nothing special.magarita's at cafe iguana, with sinyee and some others.headed home at about 2 plus,off to bed at about 4am.and woke up early this morning;chores day!anyway,i'm at my granny's now.blogging with my dad's laptop,he sure knows his way around to coax me.he's away at the racecourse now,before he go,he asked for my permission,and told me to use his laptop if i'm bored or anything.-.-dinner at granny's;homemade chicken rice!yummies~i'm feeling hungry already.:Plater peeps.
4:09 PM