Monday, April 30, 2007
last day of april already,tomorrow's labours' day;the start of may.daddy says he'll be back tomorrow,that means i can't spend time with may;no tai tai theraphy!)):i'm feeling quite excited and scared as my birthday's nearing.ohhhh~anyway,i'll be visiting connie later.that poor girl's sick,and it's been long since we met.rant;i saw those messages from's did made me wonder and have doubts,though i felt kinda pissed and all.turning back;i don't actually feel a thing at all.maybe it has really come to the extend of no returns,no matter how much hugs and kisses wouldn't help salvage anything.I don't know what i want out of my birthday this year.
1:38 PM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
BOO-HOOS!i was going through the posts from november to feburary,and i noticed how time's really fast and doesn't wait up for you.i was feeling like those entries were just written yesterday,but yet we're already coming to an end for the month of april.soon May's coming,June holiday's coming etc.and i've been blogging about some shiethole thing for the past months,can't believe that i've endured with it for so long,actually from december till now,i possess long-term bearing valus!LOLS.anyway,i woke up early for my tuition today.missed tuition last week,'cause i've been having crazy friday nights;hence saturday having tuition maybe a bad thing tutees sort of shown their colors!hahas.Yishan is a very intelligent girl,but when it comes to composition's she can be quite i was sorting out her homework today,she told me not to give her so much work,and tried to bargain with's kind of cute,we've been through that phrase,didn't we?Yiting on the other hand isn't as good as her sister.she tends to stone more,and rely alot on me during the sessions to give her the answers to the questions.she's quite slow in her work,and i'd made her cried a few weeks ago.i know it's like so bad of me,but it's for her own good.she's not improving,and is very needn't scold her to make her cry,you just tell her the errorrs;and her eyes would well up with tears.i came home,and head off to dreamland.didn't really rest well,'cause there were calls and messages coming through all the time.had mac delivery for dinner just now,and i'm thinking if i should unlock my blog.hmmms~oh ya,something to update!on the 5th of may,i'm not booking any bars or whatever already.still no plans of how to celebrate,but i know;on the night of my birthday,i'm heading to my pub.any suggestions,anyone?
8:50 PM
ahhh!i'm back;at home.mummy's leaving with her eldest son to thailand tomorrow,or rather to say,later in the noon.i'll be missing them,and i'm being burden-ed down by my youngest brother.BOOS!i had a great night on friday,went to chill at sky and had some drinks,prehaps a little too many.but mind you,i didn't get drunk,i was just very very tired and sleepy.that's the effects that martell gives me,no matter how much i drink,i'll feel tired and sleepy after that.i'm so so so excited!it's gonna be my birthday next friday!lalas~godmum said she'll help me that day;in what sense i'm not too sure yet.may said that she will make me lie flat on the ground that day;i guess i'll ask godmum to help me settle her.LOLS.godmum told apple that she wouldn't be left out,she gotta help out and drink for me too!and my god-parents aren't drinking that day for me;'cause they're preparing themselves to be drunk.aren't they just so sweet?awww~there're even people booking tables;for my birthday!happy like a baby!(:oh ya,as for the show i mentioned in my previous post,it's between my brother and me actually.we got screened by cops last night,for staying out too late.then royce and howard came to pick us up to go home together,and that's when it all i mentioned i'll get tired and sleepy from martell,last night martell was what i had.mostly on the rock,or with a little water to dilute it.i board the cab,and fell asleep.the guys were all puzzled by that;that's the first time they've ever saw me in that brother helped me lied saying i only had 2 diluted glasses of drink;'cause that's what i'm told that i can have.and he said that i'm not drunk,just very tired.cools!~somebody mentioned about telling me off the next day;for being in the state that i was in.but things're still fine and nothing happened!so today,i slept in late,postpone my tuition to sunday.and headed out to town with my junior in primary school,she's such a poor thing la.left home at 11am whereas our meeting time's 2.30pm,and then she waited for me at the station till her card got deducted by $2;for over staying.i bought a top and a bottoms today;from Zara and WH respectively.spent more than a hundred bucks today;hell no,i'm already so so so broke,and yet i credited it all.this month's spending amounted to more than 1k.i'm so ashamed of myself la,supposed to save up but yet...grrr.i must change all these;cabbings,shoppings,feastings,lending out cash.through all those,i gues i'll be richer.LOLS.i'm turning in soon already,legs're aching from all the walking and standing.there's still tuition later at 10am,gotta wake up at 8.30am.ciaos!
12:15 AM
Saturday, April 28, 2007
oh gosh!
i'm running late to meet my junior from primary school,
but still i wanna blog a bit.
in case i forget what i wanna blog about again.
and i've got my own name card now!
yesterday was a good show put up!
2:24 PM
Friday, April 27, 2007
i had a dream this morning!it's the sweetest yet wierdest dream ever!can't stop smiling while reminising it.:Ppeople say;if you want the dream to come true,do NOT leak it out.but it's so hilarious,as much as i want it to come true,i've got doubts about it,and i wanna share it with everyone!i don't know how long that dream took place,it's seems long,but yet time ticks so the dream,i know who that guy is.but after i woke up,i'm not sure who the guy is.i knew that guy,in and out of the dream.but somehow,i can't make out who he is when it ends.i actually forgot that i wanted to blog about this,until i went downstairs to buy lunch for my let's talk about the dream now.:P'guy' came over to my place,he wanted reconciliation,but i put him down.despite i'm still carrying a torch for him,in and out(not sure) of the dream.i tried to protect myself.the saying goes;once bitten,twice shy,that was how i'm feeling.he bought something nice for me too;i can't remember what that thing was,and kneeled down asking me to take him back.LOLS.i didn't bother myself with him,and as it was late in the dream,i went to bed;leaving him in the living room all alone.i don't remember when did i doze off,but when i wake up in the morning;he's still mum knew about it too,and she was pretty shocked.she sorta got touched by that.seeing what he did,and the things he said,i melted,decided to give him another chance.things were going great for us after that.we loved each other to the core,and nothng could get us apart.end of's like so drama la,isn't it?LOLS.i still wondering who's the guy in that dream;oh gosh,i've been thinking too much,that's why such dreams occured.grr.but somehow and somewhat,deep inside;there's a little hope for it to come true.but yet,it's like bogus la.heck it man.if it's meant to be,it will.leave it to God.(:Que sera sera.
2:02 PM

ain't this poster lovely?
i like it so so MUCH!
it looks so girlish,
coool la~
even better,
it suits me so right now.
i'm so happy!
You're scaring me.
12:44 PM
ohhhh, cool!it's 3:41 am already.i'm still online!i'm chatting with a few people online,especially my dearest naush in texas.(:she's really sweet la.i hope she comes back to visit soon,then we can party hard and all,like we used too.hees.been playing with the web-cam and comments on friendster,that's the results of being bored.lots of nonsensical comments la,but it's still eyelids are getting heavy already,i guess i should go hit the sacks soon. like say at 4am; 10 minutes well loves.(:
2:10 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
so now you've experienced me walking away from you,how did you feel?no point calling me up,and tell me what i've done;'cause i bloody know it.this false front that i've been putting on is wearing off,the things you'd said recently about me;being cold,rude and's all true,i don't deny's happening already!!!just remember to return the cash to me,when everything ends.(:------------------------------------------------------
ahh,how didn't bring his lappie out,and i'm having it all to myself now!he's going to return soon with daddy though,they bought food back for mummy,youngest brother and me.lalas~i wonder what's our plans for today,i so feel like going to shop!it's been so long that i had my tai tai therapy!!i'm yearning for it.saturday quickly come,may may and i might be going for manicure.(:bad thing is,i'm like so broke la.'cause of that friggin' surgery and all.grr.I WANT BREAKTHROUGHS!Like a boy.
1:43 PM
oh no!i'm feeling hungry now,already 1.30am!having a mild headache too,oh gosh.what's happening to me,maybe it's the fan that i've been facing.anyway,i woke up early to help out with the chores today!if not mummy will not be happy,i've not been cinderabelle for some time.LOLS.headed out at about 1 plus in the noon,got some work done,and out to town;caught a movie.ahhhh.i've been watching movies lately!it's 'the reaping' today,i don't like it;don't find it nice.i'm looking forward to watch 'wild hogs',maybe will catch that soon,and GTO's been asking me out.=/he promised to buy me lots of seaweed when i recover,right now, he's asking me to go to his friend's buffet with him,and then to movies.LOLS.side track a bit.i've booked fluidbar,on the 5th of may;to celebrate my birthday.everyone's invited,so please do come alrights!(:i'm feeling sick already,think i should go to bed early.nights all!
12:46 AM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
i feel much better after talking to may on the phone just now,we've just got so much so much to update each other on everytime we talk.hahas.i spent this whole day sleeping away,i'm actually quite irritated and angry with myself;been slacking and rotting away,doing's gonna be a long and tedious day tomorrow,which i wish it wouldn't come.gotta wake up early,and have the day out.dino texted me today;asking what do i want for my birthday.i told him i wanna be happy,with the messages heading nowhere.anyway,i've plans to celebrate my birthday.i'll do it next week;my birthday week.i'm holding a 2 days celebration,on my actual birthday and the day after my birthday;4th and 5th of's a friday and saturday,hope everyone can make it!(:there's a lot of may babies!may's having her birthday celebration on 6th may,sunday while her birthday's on 7th may;same as daddy's.shengchen's birthday is on the 8th,glenda's on the 6th,howard's on the 18th,johannes's on the 19th,mummy's on the 29th.and there way more people whose birthday's in may,to many to list!broke month again!to you,i may have changed.yes indeed,'cause i'm leaving you may have realised me being moody,rude and etc these few days,everything is out in the light,isn't it? it's because i've been playing my part too well and now being taken granted for,who to blame for this one sided relationship?nobody,everyone's with me for walking out in this. if you've put in effort to make us work,and nothing proceeds from there;we've done our best and should have no regrets.but if you did not,and it's only me pushing;like now,and things doesn't work out;dumb me and byebye to you.i wish the best for you in everything and you to be a better person,do treat the next person nicer and not commit the same mistakes what she told you,remember?i bet you don't,'cause you'd not fall hard enough to remember anything that happened. good luck!
3:11 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
i met two person today;two guys whom i haven met in a long long time.hahas.last night,i pop-ed a random question;leading to quite weird reaction.i don't know whether to believe anything or not,but i quite sure that i'm going away already;so guess it doesn't matter anymore.this afternoon,we had a short talk;with you telling me rubbishs again.i may replying nicely,but deep inside it's all just doesn't apply anything to me now.feeling's gone,everything's faded.anyway,back to the topic.i met bambang at marina square where he works,then headed to suntec for movie and food;we watched '200 pounds beauty',amd had kfc.the show's pretty nice,touching comedy. would recommend to other people,go watch it!walked around for awhile,and finally i got my strawberry body scrub from body shop!signed up for member which is like damn cheap;$10 per year.afterwhich,we parted our ways and i head to lido; got sushi and cookies,then off to cineleisure to meet up with luciano and mark;to eat long john silver.rushed to cineleisure from lido,and back;causing my legs to hurt a a few texts from him,but those were just nothing to anyone of us anymore;i guess.maybe he sensed that i'mma take my leave soon,and he's trying a bit to hold back,for what i do not know.he might be just playing along with whatever situations he's in now,'cause i teased him about some stuffs,and he would brush it off.i don't know where this entry is heading,sorry for it's a little random.i'm just typing whatever comes to my mind now,and gonna turn in later.Goodnight.
1:47 AM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
oh my goodness!it's 4 in the morning,and i'm still awake.i so wanna kill myself!!i should be sound asleep enjoying myself in dreamland now,but here i am blogging.BOOS!well,i'll be online more recent,'cause my brother's got a laptpo from school;costs about $2000 plus.i'm fiddling with the built-in webcam now,woots!how fun la,caming with my overseas friend now.hees~i must go to bed soon,got a day out tomorrow!(:'cause you know that...
4:06 AM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
the previous post was just a brief one,and sorta something to remind me of what to blog for the next friday was supposed to spend with Ms Patricia Yeo,but plans gone hay-wired last minute.hahas.original plan was to catch a movie;'because i said so' at vivocity,7pm.chocolate buffet at fullerton hotel,9.30pm,and will be free and easy after 11pm.daddy came home,but we still thought we could go as planned.but who knows;we're only done with family day at around 8pm.we cabbed to lido at about 9pm,'cause wanted to pass something to somebody.end up we wait for him to finish work,and couldn't get a yellow-top anywhere.thus we decided to give up plan B,mind you;plan A's also ruined.three of us,walked all the way from lido to plaza singapura and then picturehouse.i shouldn't have wore high heels,due to reasons like;surgery,backaches etc.settled down with 'turistas' at picturehouse,11.30pm.bought nachos with cheese,ben and jerry ice cream,popcorns and drinks,eagerly waiting for the movie to start.but damn,it's quite a bad choice.'cause pat and i wasn't actually prepared for thrillers,and that film was so goodness gross and all.nearly puked amidst the movie,and my hand's always covering my eyes,i either peeped through my fingers,or i buried my head in between someone's shoulder and the seat.headed to cafe iguana's after the movie,plans to make pat drunk was made then.=/we shared two pitchers of margaritas,and pat had 2 shots all by herself.obviously it's pat drinking more than the rest of us.heees~we played games along the way,adding more fun,and that led us to knowing 2 friends there;chic people i would say.towards the end of the day,our poor birthday girl patty puked like nobody's business.):wanted her to do some dares,but it just seems that she's not really up to it;totally pale already,so off we went home.that makes her staying at my place for two nights,pleasant sleepovers;I WANT MORE!!!(:when we got home,she's suddenly all so wide awake,and we started to cam-whore a whole lot.hahas.i will try to get all the pictures from her,so i can post it up,and let all of you have a good regrets looking at it,for sure!=pi went to bed before her,as she caught 'pulse' with lionel on his new lappie.and she left for her own home early morning,because she's going out with her friends's officially her birthday today,and she's 19!!!!one more year to go,before age number starts with a '2'.lastly,i'm sorry lovely cousin.our plans were so ruined,but i hope you still did enjoyed yourself,and the day's not wasted.HAPPY BIRTHDAY,PAT!!may you have a great '19'!(:
1:36 PM
initial plan for 20th april wasn't carried out right,but still we did somethings.(:was supposed to watch 'because i said so',but daddy's home and we went for dinner,thus missing the show.headed to town at 9pm,and caught another movie,freaky scary and gross la.grrrr!!!!!!travelled the whole of today,and in the end we went to cafe iguana's.PAT PUKED!!!:P there's guys happily clapping away,outside MOS when she did that merlion moment!oppies~poor birthday girl,anyway hope you had fun,enjoy this very day;and may you stay pretty and healthy always.(:gotta go now!rest!!and i'm sorry all,for letting you people down;in everything i do.nevertheless,LOVES!It's gone.
5:02 AM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
hi people,i'm sorry that i've been neglecting my'all must have been super boring and irritated by the same post over and over again when you came to visit,but fret not!i'm updating now!!(:i seriously need to get ample ample rest after this post,'cause i'd just came back from my surgery,and i didn't sleep well last night.i was wide awake during the operation,but i dare not open my eyes,the thoughts of it made me sick already.the process was painful,not as what the other nurse told me,it's a tad tad tad more painful then menstrual cramps.i felt like crying la.and after that,i was all so weak and all;i couldn't even move a little.took quite sometime to move over to the mobile bed,rested a while in the room,a little far to long to get dressed and met my doctor.need to go back next week,for a follow-up.i'm feeling faint,and all so baby now.luckily pat's there to pick me up after the thing.i guess i'll stop here,'cause i can't continue any longer.i'm feeling the after effects now.oh,no worries everyone;i am and will be fine.Last days.
1:23 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
bryan's coming for his laptop soon,so i though i should just post another entry before it's gone,lest i'll be away for quite sometime again.i thought of gaming a few rounds of bubble trouble,but dropped that idea in the end.i need nothing to remind me of how it all started.if there's no trip to town, and plans to crash over at my place; all wouldn't have happened,i guess.mahjong wasn't carried out,talks and little childish games were played.i recalled not having a good impression of you;thinking that you were rude and evil.till then,i didn't really know you.sometime later,you rang me up;saying you're coming to get me in half an hour.i didn't gave consent but went with you brought me to meet a few people,and travel all the whole time.thought that we would end the night after hot chocolate,but you held me hand,paid hastily and we're off to a club.i was grateful that you were with me all the while,shielding me from everything,and never let me leave your asked if we could hang out again some other time,i just smiled it off.the night ended,we had a little drink before heading exams weren't even over at that time,and i've started partying.soon enough,we did start to hang out.and till now,i still doesn't think that i know you though.but it all just don't matter anymore,'cause that period is over.i thank you for the things you've taught me,the people you let me met,and everything that's got to do with you.please be gone,otherwise...
11:08 PM
another day of rotting at home,
did some work and laid in bed watched tv all day.
bored stiff~
watties sweet corns;
were the meals to be done with today.
mummy got my chicken rice,
but i didn't even finish 2/3 due to the lost of appetite nowadays.
and oh ya,
i'm returning bryan his lappie later.
when he gets home,
he's supposed to get it from me in the noon,
but i was doing some work and he asked me to have it till he return in the night.
i'm feeling better today though,
which is quite good as i would say.
hope tomorrow would be better;
'cause daddy'll be home,
and i'm going to give tuition again.
something random,
ma nails are getting longer,
and it kinda looks a little awful.
i don't wanna polish it off,
'cause i'm quite lazy to re-apply another coat.
expanses are being put to a haul,
they've got to wait till i'm back to stable.
but still they've ought to tone down a bit,
if not i might not be able to pull myself through in future.
imma go text and call some people now.
byes!~Of no importance.
9:49 PM
Don't Matter--Akon
Konvict Konvict
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you
Nobody wanna see us together
Nobody thought we'd last forever
I feel I'm hopin' and prayin'
Things between us gon' get better
Men steady comin' after you
Women steady comin' after me
Seem like everybody wanna go for self
And don't wanna respect boundaries
Tellin' you all those lies
Just to get on your side
But I must admit there was a couple secrets
I held inside
But just know that I tried
To always apologize
And I'ma have you first always in my heart
To keep you satisfied
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you
Got every right to wanna leave
Got every right to wanna go
Got every right to hit the road
And never talk to me no more
You don't even have to call
Even check for me at all
Because the way I been actin' lately
Has been off the wall
Especially toward you
Puttin' girls before you
And they watchin' everything I been doin'
Just to hurt you
Most of it just ain't you
Ain't true
And they won't show you
How much of a queen you are to me
And why I love you baby
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you
Oh oh oh oh oh
Cause I got you
Cause I got you
Cause I got you babe
Cause I got you
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight
Believe we gon' fight
We gon' fight
Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you
----------------------------------- to that someone,this was what i used to feel;we could,will and do whatever to fight for the right to love each other.but those were just words of no weight,i've grew out of them.nothing matters any more.till now,the things you say;i'd just listen and turn a deaf ear.let go,not gonna be taken for granted no more.------------------------------------------The High Road-- Jojo.
Yeah Yeah
I gave you my heart
I gave you my soul
I gave everything that I had
But ya left me in the cold
But still I have faith
Somehow I believe
That if I keep love in my heart
It will find it's way to me
I could fight
Seek revenge
But thats not who I am
No I'm not giving in
I will rise above
I'm gonna keep walking
Though it may seem far
I'm gonna keep preaching
When life gets too hard
Not gonna let you bring me down
I'll take the high road
I'm gonna keep climbing
Till I see the top
I'm gonna keep trying
Though I may get lost
Not gonna let you bring me down
I take the high road
I'm gonna get by on the high road
Yes I will
I'm gonna get by on the high road
This pain that I feel
I will overcome
I know somewhere deep down inside
It's the pain that makes us strong
I could curse
I could shout
Take the easy way out
I forgive you
somehow I will rise above
I'm gonna keep walking
Though it may seem far
I'm gonna keep preaching
When life gets too hard
Not gonna let you bring me down
I take the high road
I'm gonna keep climbing
Till I see the top
I'm gonna keep trying
Though I may get lost
Not gonna let you bring me down
I take the high road
I get by
To be real
I can't keep it inside
I may fall sometimes
but I will survive
I'm gonna keep reaching
I'm gonna keep climbing
I'm gonna keep trying
I'm gonna keep walking
Though it may seem far
I'm gonna keep preaching
When life gets too hard
Not gonna let you bring me down
I take the high road
I'm gonna get by on the high road
I'm gonna get by on the high road
I'm gonna get by on the high road
I'm gonna get by on the high road
I'm gonna get by on the high road
--------------------------------------------this is to that someone again,
thanks for the times we shared,for the things you've made happened.i'd and will forgive the wrongs,it wouldn't get me down.just hope that you'll be a better person.God bless.
2:51 AM
i'm back online again.
i borrowed bryan's lappie,
he's so nice la.
been browsing around for sometime,
mummy's out to club,
lionel's out with friends as always,
and andersen's staying over at grandma's.
i'm so bored stiff at home!
not feeling well again.
tv's my companion for the whole day,
that's so slack!
laying in bed all day,
with the tv on;
changing channel from time to time,
doze off for a moment.
how wasted.
ah f-it,
two weeks later,
gone all will be!
signing off.
Anabelle Jolyn.
12:53 AM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
i'm back!!!
from nowhere though.
been missing due to so many things happening;
the world weighing down on me.
but things will look and bright up,
i believe.
i wouldn't be online that much too,
'cause my lappie really CRASHED.
wait till i get a new one(unlikely),
or something.
connie's away at school now for meeting,
and i'm waiting for her to get home at 8pm.
we slept the late afternoon away,
after getting home.
and yes,
we slept together.
that's what we do all the time.
and ya,
my face's rotting,
and i'm sick!!
pray that speedy recovery will come upon me!
thank you(s)!
for some reasons,
cash flow would be really tight for me this 2 months.
i've got a schdueled surgery to go to in mid-april,
and follow-ups to do.
but no worries people;
i'll be fine,
and i prefer not talking about it too;
till the next post!!
7:08 PM