Wednesday, February 28, 2007
a car accident happened when i was on the way to supper just now.guess the driver must be sleeping,it hit the road divider and got on to the wrong lane;losing got me so scared,for a moment i couldn't even move at all;and wondering if the driver's alright.shortly he came out of the car to examine the broken parts,his left bumper was lying at a corner of the road.some other small parts flew out too,what's more,there's this very loud bang when it all happened.i gave out a scream too,it happened just outside of shuqun primary school bus-stop.luckily there're people around to calm me down,and we walked closer to check if things were fine.spent about $30 for supper and transport,i should save up!there's lots of things i need and wanna buy!this saturday's the first session of my tuition for the 2 kids;primary 2 and 3,from 10am-2pm.i hope that they're nice and easy to work with,don't give me headaches please~may them have the ability to learn fast and do well,while i can teach them whatever i know and can.even though i've got this tuition job,i still wanna look for a more stable job.maybe selling cosmetics sounds not bad,hahas.mum wants me to go pray tomorrow,saying that i'm down on luck this year.that simply means to bugis tomorrow,i hope shopping's up too!connie,if you;re reading this.let's hang out soon when you're free alrights?we'll catch up and bond again.(:4.36am already.sleeping time,if not mum's going on killing spree.nights people.xoxo,Anabelle Jolyn.I hope that we're all real.
4:23 AM
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
all pat's PJC mates,one girl's missing;our photographer.

one damn lucky guy who got the chicks to himself eh? LOLS.

my cousin;pat-y.

peiwen and me @ DXO.

thanks for passing me back the thumbdrive,
so i could help you with some work;
and look through what's installed.
nothing very much juicy,
yet it got my attention,
and i just had to look through it to kill the cat.
thank God for the moment that you asked me to send you some documents online,
thus giving me a chance to browse through the collection.
althoug i seems all ready to let go anytime,
i'm still a tad bit affected by what i saw.
i hope that things will change for the better between us,
and actions would be shown not just words;
'cause they simply carry no weights.
just like today,
we spent half the time not talking;
just sulking around and feeling angry.
i'm sick and tired la,
please do something.
till here.
let's talk about the happenning last few days.
saturday's work day,
while sunday's rest day.
relatives came over to gather at my place,
and hell;
i woke up at 7am to get busy till about 7pm.
headed out after that and got home around 4am.
was supposed to go to my aunt's place for another gathering,
but i was too tired out,
hence stayed home for the day and rest.
for now,
i'm going to hit the sacks already too.
good nights everyone.
Where do I stand?
3:02 AM
Saturday, February 24, 2007
gave mummy 20 bucks just now,
since it's new year and she lost quite a bit while gambling at auntie's.
she's smiling ear to ear,
i felt happy too!
met may,yingling and chris just now.
had a little time spending together;
drink and talk and played cards.
nice company,
more more!
i wanted to blog about something particular,
but upon opening the page up;
i forgot what is it that i wanted to post about.
well well,
i know that i don't matter much to you,
it's all in the way of how you treat me;
like rubbish,
only when people comes around;
you'll panic and claimed yours.
maybe i should really let go and leave,
it's just wasting of each other's time.
there's nothing between us anymore,
or rather i can't feel it.
you seems out of reach,
i'm just too afraid and tired to go on.
had enough of all the shit.
and thanks luciano,
for those messages that you've sent.
i know you prolly don't know about my blog,
but i thought that i could just put it up here.
i'm sorry for the words i've said to you,
but i'm really not ready for a relationship now.
it's gonna be a burden,
plus you're a really nice guy.
i don't wanna hurt you,
no matter how you say that i can have all the freedom and all i want with you loving me still.
thanks for being so understanding and giving towards me;
for the times i couldn't meet you and wanted time for everything.
i wish you well,
I'm leaving on a jet plane to where i belong.
2:18 AM
Friday, February 23, 2007
the last few times to club babyface was scary!i was the youngest there for sure,and the target of the night.all of the times i went there;actually only twice la,was behind others' backsand it's kinda enough already.i wanna bring my mum there,i guess she'll like it.even the chicken rice seller at the opposite coffeeshop frequent babyface.LOLS.the first time i went there,my waitresses were all protecting me with their lifes la.whenever guys approach they'll hug me and drink with me,hold me close to them and not let the other people come near.second time,it was said that the resident band's guitarist took favour on me.kept coming to drink and talk,tried to touch me also;hold my hand or waist.luckily my waitresses were there life's saved,the second's because of apple then we went there.'cause it's her birthday and we've got a bottle there expiring,thus we went there for an hour to finish up.going to babyface everytime,makes me a young tender catch.daddy doesn't like me going there,he said that it's messy.and he said i could go any other clubs,just let him know i'm fine that's all.coming to think of it,daddy'll be home tomorrow!gonna bathe and prepare now,gathering at aunt's place later,and meeting up with part of the clique in the night!it's gathering at my place tomorrow!!wooooos~I just wanna be happy.
1:27 PM

i did some painting today!
on paper and on egg;
mummy broke 13 eggs,
so she steamed the eggs,
while i peel the shells and play with them.
painted an egg orange with a few hearts and my name on it.
nice nice~
shall placed it on my bookshelf,
so i can see it everyday.
looking forward to tomorrow;
meet ups with the clique please!
and gathering at jeoanne's place!
Ready to get you ass kicked?
12:36 AM
Thursday, February 22, 2007

these are the pictures taken with my mia's phone;on the first dayof new year.
didn't snap on the other days though,
everyone i met that day told me i am a real jap-lady.
crazie people;
blame it on my one drop of japanese blood then.

2:32 PM
okays.lacks of updates,i'm sorry.don't kick my ass!it's the new year period!days seems the same though,not much differences;might not apply to the younger on new year's eve,i helped my mum with all the chores after we got home from the reunion dinner at granny's.i remember a year,whereby my dad couldn't have reunion dinner with us as he's gotta work,i called him and cried over the phone halfway through dinner.slept at the wee hours of the night,stayed up following the chinese saying;the longer you stay up on new year's eve,you can prolong your parents' life longer.(:gonggong,daddy and mummy gave anybaos on the new year's eve night,put them in my pillowcase,sleep on it according to another chinese saying;can't remember it i woke up at 10am on the first day of new year.waited for my dad to get home from work;and off we'll start our visiting.first stop was granddad's place,my family were all famished;didn't have breakfast except sweet potato soup.pat's family got there not long after we reached,and we all started to eat.sat a while and off to my great grandmother's second aunt was gonna leave when we arrived,granny's not visiting great grandmother on the first day this year,as she's very busy and there's lots of guest to attend to.thus,we only spent about 15 minutes at great grandmother's;before heading to granny's.grandaunt and her family were already at granny's when we got eldest and youngest aunts' family were also present;all's dressed up nicely for the occasion.ate at granny's and played host;while daddy rested a while before taking me out to visit his friends.i love uncle roland and uncle benny la;they're my daddy's best pal,and they're the ones who watched me grow from a baby till now.they always regard me as their little princess.daddy gambled while i watched tv,talked and looked at photos with the aunties and uncles.saw some familiar faces but couldn't remember who they are,and finally met some kids the adults talked about.bumped into goddad and godma at the lift lobby,we were leacing to fetch mummy and the brothers to grandma's place for dinner,and met an uncle while we were gonna board the car.dined at grandma's place and daddy drove me home,while he showered and leave for work again.second day of new year was started off early!woke up and rushed to michelle's place to visit for barely 10 minutes,and off to my dear's place;stayed for an hour and headed home to rest.met up with pat at 3pm and off we went to royce's place to visit,howard's there since early morning.we played a game of scrabble,had fun!left at about 7 plus in the late evening,headed home,ate and rest.gathering at pat's place on the third day of new year!started singing at her place from about 4pm till 9pm in the night;non-stop singing till i got really home around 12mn,watched tv with mummy and cloud,before turning in for the night.fourth day of new year's bored;starting to feel like it's normal days already.dear and pat came over in the noon,the massage's on too.slacked and chased cars around,walked pat off to the station and headed to dear's place for a little while.had supper at 12mn before coming home just now,but i'm feeling hungry now again already.LOLS.plans for tomorrow's still uncertain.gathering at joeanne's place on friday,and my place on saturday.can't wait!i wanna go to the beach someday soon!i wanna meet up with the people that i haven't met since don't know how long ago!i wanna do some much things!looking forward!and not too long ago;some days ago.legs called;he told me to say hi to my boyfriend.who's my boyfriend?who should i say that to?):anyway,HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!may you have a prosperous year ahead!(:I'm missing out.
1:15 AM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
it's new year's eve already,but yet i don't feeling the atmosphere at all.this year,i didn't really shopped too.only got a set of outfit,whereas a dress brought by my mum.going to granny's place for the second session of reunion dinner tonight,no steamboat though i guess.gonna have a feast too,'cause my granny's praying to the ancestors.i love my granny and gonggong!hopefully the mood for new year would be up soon;tonight!and shit!i toppled my new bottle of perfume,i've got no perfume for the new's having a fit these few days,can't stand her.always venting out her anger on us,serve her right actually,for being such a bitch.tai tai don't wanna be,wanna do all these things and blame us;the children for her downfall.she wanna confiscate my keys,'cause i forgot to lock the gate last night.i'mma climb in through the windows next time.LOLS.Used.
1:58 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
so my Valentine's was spent at home,with some many random people.(:i woke up in the morning and did some chores,afterwhich i head over to connie's place;we went out to have our lunch and walk around jurong east.was supposed to go home,but went to jurong point to get some groceries for dinner.and met up with zhong chi for a while;he gave me a handmade sweet little red rose.lalas~
started preparing dinner at about 7 plus,only to get it done at nearly 10.took so long to get fried rice,clam chowder and oreo cheesecake done.the outcome was nice though,cake's still in the freezer;was too full to eat last night.watched 2 dvds;accepted and oh in ohio.both comedy,kinda nice and,i'mma head out to get the last minute new year shopping done.i'm so late this year,gosh!got to go now,laundry's waiting for me too!Nothing means anything.
1:36 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO ALL!i hope you remember this day.alot of couples would say that everyday's valentine's day,but when it comes to this commerical day,would they remember it?they better make sure they do,'cause it's talked of everywhere.and if somebody don't,woooo~,to hell they am i going to spend this day?hmmms,well.i'mma go to connie's place after i blogged,accompany her.might be meeting my cousin later.not confirm yet though,seems like geraldine needs some company in town tonight too.mambo's where the singles' heading tonight!i was invited along,but no thanks,i'm not going.have fun people!LOVE IS IN THE AIR!oh ya,i've received a lovely stalk of rose from my stupid boy neighbour,i know he's gonna read.hahas.thanks dude.i'm happy about the gift and meeting you,monkey!stop aiming for my nose and cheeks aye,if not i'mma push you!LOLS.messages were received too,simply and sweet.appreciated!i'm off for now,will try to blog more!It's different when you can't see.
2:32 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
ahhhh.i've got an assignment!it starts in the 3rd of march,giving tuition to a primary 2 and 3 kid.the place's at bukit panjang,on wednesdays' evening and saturdays' morning.2 hours for each session,the amount of the fees pitiful la.gonna go surf the net now;for some informations on my further studies. seeya!
9:14 PM
Sunday, February 11, 2007
so many big days coming,oh gawd!valentine's day on the 14th,and chinese new year on the am i to face and spend these days?hmms.To stay or to go?
9:38 PM
sometimes i wish i'm not here;not at all,so i don't have to face all the shit.went to watch 'The Last King of Scotland' at the picturehouse last night,meaningful show,recommended.reached home at only 6.30am.and mum's pretty worked up over it.woke up around noon,due to my mum's screams.really irritating,she should go enrol in some anger management class.what i can't take of her is,always venting her anger on me.even if i'm not in thw wrong,like what the hell aye.whole day's ruined by her.didn't have enough rest,thus feeling listless throughout the day.i guess i'm going to rest early tonight,not feeling all that well again;physically,mentally,emotionally etc.someone please make my day!new year's coming,i wanna be happy like i used to be!Living in my own world.
8:46 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
duhs.switched;from old blogger to the new blogger.will it be as user friendly?hmms.well,i'd made plans.i'll continue to study;but not sure where.and work at the same time.i've gotta fend for myself,can't depend on anyone else.gotta fight the fight this time round.i'm gonna take up business courses,since all along i'm into it.with interest and determination;i'll do it!recently,been blogging about this 'dear'.we're not related and all,but just in the name.daddy's home now,we haven't been talking.i guess we all don't know how to face each other,or rather me facing him.and sure as hell,he's the one that i disappointed most.i'm sorry,papi!sighs.what can i do?
2:35 PM
i've told my dad about the lost cellphone.
and now the line's suspended,
i've got no mobile.
good luck to the people around me and myself,
we're going to have a hard time contacting each other.
my dear's sitting beside me now,
doing his work.
he's so sweet,
i can't go out today;
so he came over.
i love him!
*hugs and kisses*
reunion dinner's tomorrow,
i can't wait.
but *sighs*,
talks will be going on.
i wouldn't hide from it,
i will take it into stride,
and face up to it.
i know,
whatever it is.
my dear will be there;
that's what he said.
Making the efforts.
12:10 AM
Friday, February 09, 2007
i've scored 28 this year,last year was 34.still i didn't do well enough,i'm such a parents took the news okay;they'd expected that i wouldn't score.but how am i to face everybody?i'm feeling all so shitty,useless me;couldn't do anything well at all.daddy say we'll wait and work things out,while mummy ask me to go out work and pick up skills.i'm not a studious person,everyone knows.i'm more of a practical person,but what am i to do?i should just put a gun to my head,and get it over with.die~Stand by me.
3:45 PM
it's friday now,9th feb a few more minutes,imma get my O levels results marks a new start for my life too.i lost my cellphone again,things are gonna start anew for me.i've not told my parents about the lost mobile,they'll be boiling,i guess.'cause i lost my phone not too long results are gonna not turn out what i want it to be,'cause i know i've already flunked my matter if i get all A1s also no use,as my chinese's a B3,and i've just enough subjects to get me to poly.plans are in making right now.starting to work is a sure thing for me,been lazy around for a year;and that's very very bad.ite or private diploma,the two choices? and mum're gonna be real disappointed in me again this year,like last year;i didn't do well.i'm so dead.Everything will be okay.
2:12 PM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
went to jurong lake park with pat,anderson,and my dog;
we were there for about an hour plus.
my dearie came to surprise me!
he bought herbal drinks and porridge for me;
all the way from chinatown,
back to jurong!
how sweet right?
my poor boy,
injured his leg;
shoes' a little too small;
size 11 and a half.
should have wore size 12,
slightly bigger and better.
but now,
the wound's covered;
with my cutie colorful garfield plaster!
while i'm blogging now,
he's beside me;
having his dinner;
with my family.
i had the porridge he bought for me earlier,
yum yums.
it's filled with love!!!
How should i be feeling?
7:16 PM
woke up with a friggin' pain;gastric.)):thanks to my sweet sweet cousin;pat.she came over with bread,and look after me.always sticking around to make sure that i'm fine,taking concern into my every nice right?!hahas.we're going to jog later!and maybe to shopping!wahahahas~love loves!Disappointment.
3:23 PM
the party pictures for 3rd feb are up on;bar-so-lina.pretty pretty pictures,but there's two with ugly me.LOLS.wasn't prepared to get snap,thus it turned out weird.have fun looking at the photos.will try to upload some,if possible.I know...
12:23 PM
slept through the night till noon today,
slacked,online and did a bit of chores.
head out around evening time,
to vivocity for shopping!
waited at jurong east for quite some time,
and got a surprise.

but a quarrel followed soon after,
thing's fine now.
bus-ed from jurong east to vivocity,
and it was a tedious journey;
got very sick in the car.
alighted and felt like vomitting,
to the extend of even fainting;
maybe it's due to not eating for a day and a half.
felt really uncomfortable for quite some time,
but thank God,
it subsided.
didn't manage to buy anything,
mainly window shopped,
plus it's late;
closing 9pm.
went to the rooftop and walked a little,
before heading to the train station to get home.
i've met familiar faces and people.
oh ya,
i passed by st james just now;
they were having a ferrari event.
there're about 30 or more ferraris parked in the car lots.
most of the owners ain't singaporean though,
didn't thought that there would be so many ferraris in singapore too.
hahas. brought food home for my mum,despite the fact that i've only got 5 bucks,and not eaten for the day.she didn't really appreciate it,and was throwing tantrums.unreasonable~i'm left with 80 cents now.LOLS.a few people said i got conned today,by a malay man.he was holding onto a little boy whom he said that it's his son,with a few pieces of paper on hand.he claimed to lost his wallet,and was asking around for money to buy things for his son.i pitied them,thus gave them half of what i had.not thinking that it's a scam at's late now;3am.i'm turning in soon already,nights all!Turn words into actions.
2:53 AM
Monday, February 05, 2007
so like finally.i went to chinatown with my mum yesterday,the crowd's bad.squeezing ad pushing all around,not that warm though;maybe it's because i pulled my hair back.didn't manage to get anything there,pretty boring,and no much sight seeing.just as i was heading home from the coffeeshop just now;with lunch boxes for my mum and brother,i met my primary school mate;Khay Mar.looking back to compare with the present,we're all so grown up!catching up is all so nice!(:am i dying soon?i've been meeting quite some familiar faces ad people;May once said,when a person's gonna die,he or she will meet the people they haven't met for a last time.oh no,i've a feeling;i'm gonna die.What if I leave one day?
2:54 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
i went to DXO yesterday.
it's was disappointing,
the crowds and all.
i didn't enjoyed myself last night,
wasn't into the mood,
and move around pretty much.
just to get into the club,
don't know squeeze through the queue for how many times.
and freaking hell,
guest list also need to queue!!
luckily the bouncers were friends,
so we jumped queue and got into the club!!
bad thing;
more and more malays are clubbing!!!
went off after everything is over,
and drunkards were lying around;
took a cab back to jurong;
sat at the playground,
wait for them to compose themselves.
didn't come home till around 1 plus this afternoon,
mom complained to daddy,
and he said;
no allowance and no staying out anymore.
i'm already a poor girl,
now i'm even poorer.
but all these's not gonna bring me down.
i'mma look for a job and feed myself,
no staying out is okay;
'cause i seldom do that too.
make them happy first,
it's ok if i suffer now,
i'll have my fair share in no time.
and HELL!
O-levels' results releasing soon!!!
this coming week!!
so dreading it!!
please let me do well!!!!
Your words...
2:09 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
in the end,no outing to chinatown,and didn't meet up with connie.went for supper with sheng chen though,and met 4 primary school mates!winson,teck wei,zhong chi and chee hung,all different from the young times!and well,i forgot to blog about the thaipusam the day before.this year,i witness the event in the car with my dad and's a pretty interesting and joyious tonight!(:What's all these about?
12:33 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007
i had a dream;a weird dream this morning.hahas.i dreamt that i had a daughter,she's really cute and sweet looking.she loves to suck on the pacifier,and sit in the mobile trolley.her hair's tied up into 2 ponytails,and she was wearing a baby pink dress in my dreams.i didn't manage to finish my dream though;'cause my mum woke me up to do chores.anyway,chores're done!my room's got a new look again,things're in place;neat and tidy.the floors are all white and clean!everyday's housework gonna get lessen!YAY!might be going to chinatown with mummy and her friend later;sight-seeing and shopping!lalalas~The way you make me feel...
5:15 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
my daddy's home today!!it was a great day,though we didn't do anything much.he came home around 2pm this afternoon,and we head out to my granny's place;visit her and help out a little.met my elder of the younger brothers there,and daddy brought us out to shop!my brother got himself a shirt and a pants,while i got only a pair of heels.rushed back to granny's place,met up with my mum and youngest brother before going to dinner.we had abalone noodles,not as nice as we thought and it's quite world shopping centre next!i got a top and a pair of jeans there,while mummy got 3 bottoms,and daddy got a pair of jeans too.i love shopping la! i'm just starting to shop after so long,and new year's coming,how nice!~didn't met up with connie as planned today though,we'll meet up soon!hopefully tomorrow or saturday,and perhaps gonna crash over at DXO on saturday night.Making-over.
9:07 PM