Saturday, December 30, 2006
oh goodness gracious me!!!!!so soon,the year's coming to an end;in less than 2 days.oh no!have everyone planned their new year resolutions?better do it fast if you haven't,like me.LOLS.imma plan it now;today,and post it up in the next entry.(:i went to a relative's wedding dinner last night,it was at serangoon country club;jumbo seafood was utterly disappointing though.i did not sat at the same table with my family,we were disperse around other tables.i sat at the VIP table,the food's horrible as well as the service,only nice thing is the chocolate they gave.i don't wanna comment much on the wedding and all,it's just not that good.i hope the others wedding would not be like this.(:met up with bella,john and sianmale after the dinner at clarke quay.we went to double o!i didn't get checked,LOLS.but bella and me left like 15 mins after we entered,something happened;don't wanna talk about it now as things are fine already.hope it wouldn't happen again and end fast.headed over to my grany's place today.she whipped up a feast!hahahas.i slept my afternoon away,waking up with an empty stomach,and dinner's done!yum yum~tomorrow's the last day of the year already,don't you people think that this year passes so fast?what have you accomplished,are you happy this year,was it fruitful?well,i year,it'll be a better one;for everyone and myself.hope you all had a great year,and good night.(:i'm sorry,everybody.
10:07 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
bouncers of DXO.
the stilt walker and the ice skaters.
free flow candy floss to the people who came.
delighted faces. (:
revamping looks with the face painter.
satisfied yea.
rock away with the bands performances.
playing wholeheartedly for the crowd.
they've come to support various people around there.
they came specially for me. *bleagh*
the ang mohs i brought in the night,cool people!
1:48 AM
a new bunch of friends found that night,thanks to Jordon!
hope everyone had fun!
guess who came to crashed the party?
Paul Twohill! not a very stunning sight though. LOLS.
and lastly, thanks to this dude in the picture. for making the party possible and it turned out to be a blast.i want that teddy he's holding in his hands! utterly cute to the core!
for more picture of Monde.Gusto @ DXO on 14th Dec,you can go to and view them.
make all the promises come true.
1:28 AM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
3 more days to the end of the year!
so fast!
2006 is coming to an end soon,
and the coming of 2007 scares me a bit.
not quite ready for it. well,my christmas was well spent.the companies were great!christmas dinner over at benn's place was stupendous,there's spagetti,a whole turkey,salad,log cake,ice longan and swiss chocolate!isn't that wonderful?yummies~luckily my mum went over to my granny's place to look after my gonggong,if not i'll missed the dinner with the clique at benn's place.(:had dinner with gonggong on the next day,really nice food again.i miss kallang,the place where i grew up;memories.
pictures are up in the next entry!unglam,but enjoy!((:
11:30 PM

a few group pictures before the fun all begins.
my god-mother and me;all dolled up for the celebration for christmas.
we got too bored and started showing off our fats muscles. LOLS.
11:20 PM
busy numbering the gifts for exchange later.
lion king;xuanhong tired to snatch my bottle of chivas away from me. that poser.
i got it back and hugged it tightly in my arms.
not forgetting to give it a kiss 'cause it's from my dad to the clique!
i'm a clean and happy girl for the moment there.
soon enough,i'm being attacked. but still i'm a joyful person,looks like uber fun eh? hahas.
with foams and crazy ribbons covered all over,some tried to rescued me but to no avail.
if i'm not wrong, this is caused by chris and xuanhong. may insisted a picture taken;poor me.
the night ended with my pub dirtied like nobody's business, and the poor waitresses would have to clear them up the next day.
11:15 PM
dinner over at benn's place on christmas day,look at how happy xuanhong is witht the turkey in his hands. he's a barbarian! LOLS.
expensive swiss chocolate we had savoured.
obedient odee being put in the turkey carrier box not moving an inch;so cute~!
remember me promising to show the pictures taken at my event at DXO on the 14th of December?
it's now up on!!
you can view it up there.
i'll just post a few of the pictures here.
in the next post though.
=p gotta run now for my meeting,i'm so late and so dead!BOOS!
11:05 PM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
i'd dread christmas initially,i couldn't feel the festive season.i'm just not ready for it,this year hasn't been a good one for me;with sorrows,tears and disappointments,i feel that i'm not happy;accomplished nothing and wasted a year.i'm just not ready for the year to come to an end so soon,'cause when christmas is over,the next year is rounding the corner,like a blink of the this year has been great,even though i've not wanted it to come in the first place.after seeing my lovely clique and all,i know i cannot dampen their mood.when they're happy,i'll be happy too.daddy was there with me this christmas together with my friends,i'm a beatified girl!we celebrated at my pub,crazy fun we had.the waitresses are gonna have a hard time clearing the mess made last night,the pub's dirtied wholly,with the invasion of crazy ribbons,spray foams and alot more.i'm glad that everyone had fun.we had gifts exchange, talks and games.i've got a few prezzies for this christmas;a bear + candy cane from jordon,chocolates from different people,ornament from jun kiat,baby pooh bear from may,and a blog entry from noel that made me go close to tears.i'm sorry that i didn't send christmas greetings out,i was too busy;playing around.hees~i went back to church for christmas week,i missed everyone in church,keep things up guys.I LOVE MY PAPI!!!!*muacks muacks*i was practically hugging him the whole time last night,and i cried in his arms before he left for work.i've got the most wonderful dad in the whole world,i'm his precious,and i know he loves me alot,totally giving towards me.May: i heard you say that it's your first time envying somebody and that's me,but do not envy me. you've got a loving dad too, and most of all a superb boyfriend that cares for you. treasure him! wish you both all the best!The Clique: thanks for being there last night,listening to me and all. really appreciate it, I LOVE ALL OF YOU! :)last but not least,All: MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! have fun and enjoy your holidays!i'mma set things fit and head out right.
4:32 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006
ast night wasn't all that did not end up great,things got really messy and bad.i wished all did not happened,i was the one at fault;as always.i'm tired;tired of YOU and LIFE;the way life works,it disgust me.going to grandpa's place later,his birthday lots to catch up!with my families and friends.
I don't know myself.
1:17 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
i'm home!but going out later again.just came home to do some chores;clear my dog's poop and stuffs.mummy's going make dumplings tonight for tomorrow,some festival.hmmms.granny's going to hong kong with my cousins and their family during christmas,nobody's gonna look after my my family members gotta take turns to look after him,and my shift is on christmas day!a whole new experience,spending christmas with my gonggong.hahas.i'm going off to grab a little food if i can before i go,prepare and get busy to go off.imma make my life better.
8:59 PM
i'm now at my aunt's place.
babysitting my youngest brother,my cousin and the little puppy.
got dug out of bed in the late morning to prepare and head out with my family.
mum wanted to go out and pray;
so we did do as planned.
went to chinatown and bugis,
after that walked around a bit,
and have some food before my mum head to my grandma's place for mahjong,
my youngest brother and me to my aunt's,
and finally my elder of the younger brothers back home.
got to go for now.
blog later.
8:16 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
no way am i going to wait for your calls,be your toy,your puppet.i've got my life to live,and i don't see any reason that it should be revolving around you.i don't see myself revolving around your life as well,guess you think you wouldn't lose out without me aye?you're wrong,so wrong.i once said that,i'd make the best out of myself and make those who left me behind regret;you'll be one of them soon.i'm putting an end towards everything's all so obvious and everyone can see it,no one's doing anything about it.why let it drag on,whatever for?everything's got an end,and the end is here.i don't need all these,thanks though;i'm now wiser.say goodbye.
11:49 PM
Monday, December 18, 2006
tomorrow's another event's day.yawns.i'm a little sick and tired of's a birthday party for a 16 year old girl;at brats eh,open to public do come and gate crash the party aye?!tickets at $18,doors open at 8pm.there'll be live bands playing once again,as the main organiser's more familiar with gigs and crew's just assisting as much as possible,hope to be of help.i don't really wish to go down tomorrow,but i've got no choice,can't somethings to see to too,and i hope to have fun with some friends.(:i wanna see the girls soon.
8:58 PM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
i found some pictures,
taken by one of the people who came to support me at DXO on thursday night.
i thank this bunch of people,
they stayed throughout the party till the end;
reaching at nearly 8pm.
only to get into the club at about off 9pm,
and stayed with me till 5am.
waiting for the doors to open.
live band performance first,one of the bands i brought in that night.nightlife photographer taking pictures too.
dance floor's open!! PARTY PEOPLE PARTY!!!
got some entertaining matters to do.
jordon and me,he's a nice guy.
i think this guy's name's vincent;one of jordon's friends,pictures mostly credited to him.
kellie and me;take my hats off to her,the dances and energy. i look fat in this picture,BOOS!
the crew's tired out after the event,sitting around talking and eating at mac.
notice me holding a present in my hands in the above 5th and 6th picture?
the present is what i'm holding in my hands in the last picture;
it's a gift being thrown out to be caught by the clubbers,
but some guy caught it and gave it to me.
i mean the bear.
will look for more pictures if possible.
3:15 PM
Friday, December 15, 2006
i'm not in the mood for anything.still unwell,alone at's left for KL already this afternoon,youngest brother went over to aunt's place for a few days,the other brother's out as always;leaving me home alone facing the walls.haven't ate since the meal of the yesterday at abt 3pm,till no appetite to eat and i'm not hungry.well,yesterday i sold 40 tickets.made no earnings though,but i'm still happy.'cause i see those people who's so willing to come down,just to support.i'm so touched by them.i'm sorry that i couldn't entertain them through the night,as i was busy around,but i sincerely thank all of them for coming to support.(:really appreciate their acts.hope they had an enjoyable night!Tell me what i want.
8:55 PM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
it's the day!!!!wahahha.tonight's gonna be a blast!!!!can't wait~if you people are free,drop down to esplanade mall;DXO alrights.there'll be an stunning event there,$18 for the tickets,gonna worth all those cents.(:there'll be live bands performing,so come on down chill and sauve with us;Monde.Gusto.oh no,i don't know what should i wear.hell,i'll just wear anything that i can find.=pgonna meet lotsa people later.wooohoooos~i gotta liften up my mood for the whole of today!!!lalalas.Lost.
12:39 PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
ahhh.eveyone's going to KL;alot of people around me.but,i'm not going.):i was rushed to the west point family hospital last night;very sick.the cost of it mounted to nearly a hundred bucks.sighs.the doctor gave me alot of's horrible!!but i'm feeling better already.i hope and pray that;i'll be all well by wednesday.thursday is the big day,i can't afford to be unwell!nobody's coming to support me,but i'm still looking up.hope more people would come;i really need support.that's all i could blog now,blog again another time.seeya!sighs.
3:23 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006
sorry for the unconstant blogging.been quite busy and all.but mostly,didn't have the will to blog.cos all's so dead.sighs.well,i'm sick.and very sick indeed.down with flu,cough,sore throat,fever.wonder how long will it last again.the big day is coming.on this thursday,yet i'm sick.and to top that off,it's not going very well.ahhhh.i'm so dead la.if nobody come to the party,it's gonna be a lost;off a couple of thousand dollars.gosh,oh God!please make the event a successful one!!!)):best of all,none of my friends were there to lend a hand when i need them.LOLS.what are friends for?not to say none.perhaps a few,but due to some constraints,they can't make it too.sighs.i thank those who really make an effort.keep it up!!going the wrong way.
4:22 PM
Friday, December 08, 2006
i had enough la.not being treated like how i should be.i'm seriously pissed,and i'm not going to take it further.just tell me what i am,would you?i hate the present.
10:39 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
10:00 PM
-Monde.Gusto@DXO-Be part of the year's CARNIVAL PARTY@DXO on the 14th DEC!!WITNESS what a TRUE PARTY's ABOUT!!EXPERIENCE what u've never DID!!INVITE your friends DOWN for a NIGHTof INSANITY and WICKED entertainmentas OUR party EXPLODES with Jugglers,Jesters, Masquerade Stilt Walkers, Hip-Hop Rappers, Beat boxers, Unicyclistand MORE!!DANCE and Flirt alongside our Mascotand Models!!Hey LADIES!!INDULGE in FREEFLOW of CANDY FLOSS~!!RE-INVENT your look with ourProfessional Face Painting Artist FREEOF CHARGE~!!TAKE A BREAK and ROCK AWAY @ 'TheNest' With LIVE bands~!!WATCH OUT and BE SPOTTED by thePHOTOGRAPHERS~!!Party like we've NEVER@ DXOBe amused, be seduced, be PART OF IT!!Entry for age 16 & above. 8pm till4am.Reserve ur tables now.Tickets@$18 ONLY!!Contact Anabelle Jolyn at 91096916.
8:25 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
i might be away for somedays,going for a chalet.duhs.even if i'm not away,it's makes no difference also.why did i even bother?but i'm feeling good.'cause my mum's bringing my youngest brother and my daughter along,to the chalet.i do hope that we'll have a good time there!(: take care people!i know you wouldn't be there.
1:19 PM
it's all infatuation and shit.
all lies and stuffs.
delusional me all along.
i've been too upset and depressed that i turned out like that.
nobody knows me;
not even myself i guess.
i've been trying to hide from the fact all the time.
'cause i know that it's not gonna come true,
my doings makes me loathe everything.
nothing seems pleasent to my eyes anymore.
i could only thought of how negative things are.
now,i know why.there's only one reason.
he's the caused.
1:49 AM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
tell me when i was i ever on your mind?you're such a sweet talker,that no girls would able to resist you.but i'm no fool,i know what you're up to.i know you wouldn't be reading,'cause you don't know my blog efforts were never appreciated,none.all i've got from you were words of unsatisfaction.if the others were so great,go to them.suck it up to them then,i need no you around telling me that i'm not doing anything,just a lazy're not understanding,not at all.all you think about is yourself;all about you.yes,i'm a hassle.dump me like you would do to rubbish'll regret it in the end,'cause nobody would treat you like i do;there isn't a second me.i'm no toy for you to fool around,don't waste each other's's all just for fun.i do know how you're like.who's gonna hold back all your attitude and stuffs?nobody's so soft.everything's coming to an end.
11:11 PM