I've been awake for a while now.
You got me feelin' like a child now.
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face,
I get the tinglees in a silly place.
It starts at my toes.
And I crinkle my nose.
Wherever it goes, I always know,
That you make me smile.
Please stay for a while now.
Just take your time,
Wherever you go.
The rain is fallin' on my window pane,
But we are hidin' in a safer place.
Under covers stayin' dry and warm.
You give me feelings that I adore.
It start at my toes.
Makes me crinkle my nose.
Wherever it goes I always know,
That you make me smile.
Please stay for a while now.
Just take your time,
Wherever you go.
What am I gonna say,
When you make me feel this way?
I just... mmm.
And It starts at my toes.
Makes me crinkle my nose.
Wherever it goes I always know,
That you make me smile.
Please stay for a while now.
Just take your time,
Wherever you go.
Da da da da da da da da da da
Oo da doo doo doo doo dumm
Uu oom ba doom ba doo da doo da boo da doo da doo da dumm
Mm mm mm
I've been asleep for a while now.
You tuck me in just like a child now.
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms,
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth.
It starts at my soul,
And I lose all control.
When you kiss my nose,
The feeling shows.
'Cause you make me smile.
Baby, just take your time now,
Holdin' me tight.
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go.
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go.
Ooo... Wherever you go.
I always know.
'Cause you make smile.
Even just for a while.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
slap me and wake me up. what the bloody fuck am i doing. got myself into such shit.
i really regretted all these happenings. things got better of me, i can't see and i got blind by it.
now everybody turned their backs on me; telling me that i've warned you and all. just what have you all done, and now abandon me like this.
you think you know what you're doing; look at yourself, who are you to tell me what to do?
goodness, i pity you sometimes; all the time maybe? you just look for something so irrelavant to make up for the loss.
it's not gonna help. i tried to help but, sighs. it's all redundent.
help yourself first before others can help you.
i'mma restructure my life and all now. things are gonna be different. hope and pray for the better. :)
Hurt. @
11:45 PM
what is right could be wrong, and what is wrong could be right. i learnt that today. (:
nothing is right or wrong in this world. it's all just the perception of oneself, their stands and their thinkings.
who set the laws? humans did. who is to jugde what is right and wrong? only God and yourself.
something could be right for a moment, but right after the next, it's could be so wrong.
in order to survive, people gotta play around with things. for example, if you're dying, and there's no food. would you steal to keep yourself alive?
stealing isn't a bad thing afterall. it's how people look and think of it that labels it as something bad. man are all selfish.
to conclude on something whether it's right or wrong, polls were casted. majority wins.
let's talk about oral sex; blowjobs. it was classified as un-natural sex, and offenders could be jailed severly. it's a wrong thing.
but what about now? almost everyone's doing it, is it still wrong? no,it's not.
people are starting to accept and adapt to it. they once thought that it was gross and all, yet now they're loving it.
isn't it all ironic? hahas.
just follow your heart and do the things you're happy with. live no regrets, live life to the fullest! (:
what a wonderful world. @
4:34 AM
Monday, November 27, 2006
the lack of updates, i know. nobody bothers anyway.
i was busy the past week, and had practically tired myself out everyday. was a tough but fruitful week.
wanted to stay in and rest today, but daddy was home, so we went out for visiting and meals.
mummy dragged me out of the house; to go to dance class with her. it's a long long long long day.
i'm so dead la. it's past my sleeping time, i'm feeling energetic again. because i'm using the energy for tomorrow, or rather later today, since it's past mid-night.
chanced upon someone's blog, it's really terrible. reading that blog of his, makes me feel so worked up.
he did mention my name in his blog, all the things were so untrue, that proves what he's good at; making up stories and blowing things up.
not only was i aimed, others got it too. they too were very pissed about it.
ahhh. don't feel like blogging already. gonna turn in soon, will blog when i have the time too.
no words could explain. @
1:52 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Leggies heading over the OZ today. for exercise;army. will only be back in december.
i'm going to miss him, i must be able to handle everything and get on fine when he's not around. i don't wanna be that little girl anymore.
anyway, i met one of my primary school mate during the private candidates examination. thinking and looking back; those years ago. everyone changed; including me.
i met Arthur and Jian Ming at the examination centre. between them, i think Arthur changed the most. he got long hair like Paul Twohill now. and slimmer.
he's english slang-ed like nobody's business. that's scary, he's so intellectual now. WOOOO~
not forgetting he got me a gift, how sweet. a gift we both forgot for what occasion; birthday or christmas.
hahas. anyway, it's lovely;the gift. it's a necklace with a pendant of a flower.
he played me a piece too! Romance de Amor. i simply love the number too much. and he played really nice!!!
HOOO~ i wanna catch up with my primary school mates!!! i miss them!!!
i'm screwed up. @
2:42 PM
just tell the world that you farking hate me la. no need to do all these shit to me everyday. i don't deny i got guy friends that i always hang out with. what's wrong with that?
i know what i'm doing. it's not as if i don't wanna explain myself or make things clear, would you ever listen to me? NO!!!
whatever for then? i've got way lotsa problems to settle already, thinking that my family would be there for me? NO!!!
i think i'm not part of here, not even in the first place, NEVER.
just throw me out if that's all you want. i wouldn't hestiate to move out. lest i take the first step, you will go around saying how ill-bred i am.
all thanks to you, i'm what you've made me. are you happy now?!?!!?! @
2:35 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006
IT'S OVER!!!! HOLIDAYS!!!! hees..
this year's paper is somewhat quite a bit more than a little easier than the paper last year. understand? LOLS.
i'm feeling all so excited. i'm gonna get busy; so busy.
i know what i want, i know what to do, and i know how to get them.
no more bumming, i hope!
i'm coming. @
3:20 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
is the scary anorexia coming back all over again, or is it that i haven't ate since 10 last night till now, makes me lose appettite and thinking too much.
it's crazy. it really is. no kidding man and woman. i'm so fucked up by it.
i'm tired now. i guess i should go and lie down; to rest.
hope lotsa happennings are installed!! i'm gonna bum around!! woooooahhhh~!!
the world is so small,or rather to say singapore. @
3:12 PM
i'm sorry dudes and babes; that i haven't been updating recently. i'm totally in the holiday mood already, still got 1 paper to go though.
soon soon. it's to be over and done with. wahahahas.
pray for me people. i wanna pass!!! ((:
it's the holidays again! gonna put my poor ass to work; work it off.
job hunting, here i come!!! lalalalas~
i miss a hell loads of people. wish i could see them soon! WHERE ARE THEY?!?!?!
and oh ya! i couldn't blog about what i did the past days, course; i got no recollection of them all.
SHUCKS. i'm having STM. grrrs~
i wanna be happy. @
1:49 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
DAMN! the skin on my hands are peeling off. of course la, to think that i gotta do all the chores at home.
now even the washing of clothes is also my duty. i'm the maid at home now. look, i'm not the one not doing anything at home. it's the boys.
but who knows and who cares. it's all behind the doors, and she tells the world i'm the lazy ass. hah.
the only thing i can do is to gulp all the unhappiness and stuffs down to myself, blog and whine abit. but then, who can i whine to?
sighs. the clique? no one's left.
thank God there's still friends left. i don't have alot of friends, but i've got friends who'll still stay by. i'm glad for that. (:
i'm going out later. to meet venny,dudu and prolly one of dudu's friend; at bugis.
for a little shopping i hope. it'll help in someway.
i hate long breaks in between exams. i'll switch in into the holiday moods, it's POA paper 2 tomorrow.
gonna come home early tonight to mug. grrrs~
i wish i live in the fairy tales. @
3:58 PM
WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!! WHAT'S THE WORLD COMING TO?!!?!?!? friday's POA paper 1 got delayed by 1 hour. thus it'll commence at 11.30am, till 12.30pm. because the president of the US is coming to Singapore. certain roads will be closed too. -.- and GST is being raised; to a blardy frigging 7%. what's up with it? think money is easy to earn? crap. just the right time eh. when i'm like so broke, or rather to say that i've been declared bankrupt. i'm just a poor girl now, with nothing to my name. these all simply sucks la. the standards of living are going way too high now. is the economic going as smooth as those years whereby we're living high and by? with nothing to worry about. IT'S NOT AYE. what can i do about these? just sit here and complain? arghs. @
2:55 PM
she hates me, yet she loves me. ironic but true.
because he loves me, so she hates me. and yet i'm someone close to her, so she loves me.
hahas. shit happens. life's such a bitch, and it's sex-ist.
why can't life be a bastard? LOLS.
don't worry about me people. i'm fine, just somethings happened. it'll be solved; done and to get over with.
just that we don't know what's the things coming to turn out like. there's no plans onto it, it's reflex. thus we just gotta take each step as it comes by.
it's so tiring to hate someone, i don't know why people want to hate each other. when you hate that person, you would want to know more about the happenings around. that's somewhat of a care; not hate. just that it comes out negative.
12:01 PM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
no sentosa outing today... it's been raining like all the water on earth has been suck up to the skies. BOOS!!
i love raining days nevertheless. hahas. ironic eh. lalalas...
going to vivo city for movie later. can't wait to meet up with dudu and venny later. connie's already over at my place, since last night.
wanted to go shop around bugis yesterday de, but somethings cropped up; thus didn't go and ended up at plaza singapura.
reached home at 12 plus in the night. slack and all till 4 plus. *POOF* on the bed.
dead tired. sleep till 1pm today. wahahahas.
nice nice. i feel happy today. don't let things ruin my mood please. :)
princess cinderbelle~ @
3:38 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
i've got pictures to post up!!! but gotta wait, and i don't know for how long. i hope some kind souls would help me upload the pictures. :)
can't wait for saturday to come. movie outing with breastmeat,dudu and special! hees... i'm rather sure that it'll be a fun-filled one. we're going to watch 'Material Girls'.
mum's going to club tonight. she's been on me since don't know when. i'm irritated by her nonsense but what can i do? damn.
dad's still not home yet. he's supposed to be home today. what time is he coming home? and what time does he have to go back to work? sighs.
G:Will you still love me tomorrow? B:Yes,I would. G:I wanna grow old with you. B:So do I.I wanna watch sunrises,sunsets,see stars and everything else.Don't ever leave me. *smiles* @
1:19 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
4 more papers to go! HURRAY!!!! soon soon it'll be over and be done with. lalalas~
i'm a happy girl. i've been hanging out alot with special and dudu. I LOVE THEM LOADS LA!!!! (:
i really gotta scrimp and save for now, for a period; maybe long maybe short. i don't know for how long.
facing some financial problems for the period, would be quite hard on cash. I'M A POOR GIRL NOW.
arghs, sighs~ @
11:40 PM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
i'm home from my chemistry paper, for like half an hour already. it's an easy paper; i hope i can pass though.
i'm feeling so tired. been going out and sleeping late alot these days. i'm going back to the same old routine like last time. I DON'T WANT!
going to get some sleep after this, then revise my physics for tomorrow. and of course am going to blog.
got quite somethings to blog about, and i hope that i'll remember them later.
getting winks for now! laters. @
10:04 AM
somehow, i just hate myself.
for feeling like crap, such a shitty crap. LOSER.
why am i feeling this way? i feel like i'm going to burst. it's a kind of horrible feeling.
it can't be described, it's self-explaining. what am i supposed to do?
i'm not a good girl. i'm like evil and mean, total baddie.
i think i'm not as nice as what others think i am. they don't know me, not well enough?
i should just go away and get out of here, be better off alone. nobody would br dragged on with me anymore.
kill me and let me die. @
2:26 AM
look at the friggin' time. i can't sleep. no doubt that i'm tired, but i'm afraid.
cause it's chemistry paper tomorrow. happy that maths paper 1 is down already, quite managable. not very tough. i hope i'll be able to pass it.
nothing about chemistry gets into my head when i was out to study with dudu and venny. no shit at all, it's terrible. thus the mood of studying was ruined.
we went to mac cafe, supposed to study, but we ended up doing stupid stuffs. drawing,joking,making funny faces and all. did anything except studying. LOLS.
slacked around Ang Mo Kio area, and headed to the arcade for games. nowadays the youngsters, *tsk tsk*.
don't wanna comment much about it. it's not very nice. hailed a cab and home all of us went.
should i study my ass of for my chemistry and go for the paper, or go to sleep and wake up at 5am to study? better still sleep and don't study.
argh~ @
2:06 AM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
something's got into me! i've been sleeping rather early these few days; except the day i accompanied special virtually, while he slogged on the satay sticks castle project.
last night, i fell asleep while reading. only to wake up at around 5 plus in the morning, the lights are still on!
text exchanged with special a bit, and we decide to get some shut eyes. finally woke up at nearly 10am.
wash up and got changed, followed mum and Cloud to the Jurong West Neighbourhood Police Centre, make a report of snatch theft for my brother.
his handphone was being robbed of at East Coast Park, on 4 november at around 4am. near the macdonald's at the mini carnival.
it was the LG chocolate handphone that my dad bought for him as a birthday present, barely a month old. poor him.
spent about an hour plus in the station, doing report and stuffs. i'm sorry to say that the officer is bad in language. he could speak good english and the report he typed was full of errorrs.
unable to meet dudu again today, making it tomorrow; since there's paper we could study together, that's set on tuesday.
i'm going to town to meet special for a brief while, as Cloud will do the dogs' follow up today, babie's looking for a wife! Cloud's friend's dog is looking for a husband. hope it all turns out fine.
babie, please please be nice to the other dog. if it all goes smooth, she'll be ya wife and you'll have offsprings. mummy love you! (:
it's all for now! i'm off to bathe and prepare le! tatas! @
1:22 PM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
2006-SINGAPORE-CAMBRIDGE GCE O-LEVEL EXAMINATION Centre/Index No: 2767/2022 School Code Centre Name; 3223 Yuan Ching Secondary School.
06-11-06,Monday -Mathematics Paper 1,(8am-10am). 07-11-06,Tuesday -Chemistry,(8am-9.15am) 08-11-06,Wednesday -English Paper 1,(8am-9.45am) -English Paper 2,(10.15am-11.55am) -Physics,(2pm-3.15pm) 10-11-06,Friday -Mathematics Paper 2,(2.30pm-5pm) 15-11-06,Wednesday Principles Of Accounts Paper 2,(2pm-4pm) 17-11-06,Friday -Principles Of Accounts Paper 1,(10.30am-11-30am). 20-11-06,Monday -Science Paper 1,(8am-9am)
7:50 PM
i wanna blog, but i can't seem to remember what i wanna blog about. LOLS.
i'm only 17 years old, so young and i'm already having short-term memory le. ahhhh... isn't that scary?
fret not, i'm just trying to scare myslef. hahas.
well well, i'm supposed to meet dudu to study today. but somehow the meeting time wasn't fixed, and i slept through the morning.
in conclusion, i did not met her today. and it's change to tomorrow.
it's bad that she could only stay around the Ang Mo Kio area; a limited place too; the library.
cause her dad is back in singapore, he's so damn strict lo. no to her everything, let alone going out with friends and having guy friends.
i was down with the runs last night and this morning. it got so bad, that i spent a lot of time in the loo; about 1 hour to 2 hours?
just as i was on my way out of the toilet, something dumb happened. i don't wanna disclosed it out in the public.
but if you wanna know, can always ask me. but i reserved the rights to let you know about it or not. LOLS.
i'm a lone ranger. everyone in the family is out. no one accompanies me. i'm so home alone.
but no longer do i care. being home alone is nice though. having the whole place to yourself. hees.
the big O's are coming. it starts on next monday; 6th November 2006. will post up my timetable in the next entry. :)
meanwhile, peace in and out!
spend time with myself. @
7:06 PM
i'm suprised! LOLS.
Legs came over at this hour; to drop a visit. what a pleasant suprise! hahas.
hey Leggies, i don't know if you'll be reading or not. but i wanna thank you, for popping-by and checking me out. enjoy the frosties and ferrero rocher!
really appreciate ya act! so touched man. but you gave me a fright. LMAO.
hope you have a lovely day! enjoy! @
3:49 AM
saw 2 cute dudes on the way home from jurong point just now. they board the same bus as me, but i alighted 1st.
special is so nice and sweet la. he came all the way from his place; hougang to jurong, just to accompany me for dinner.
he sent me home yesterday too, from ang mo kio then all the way back to his place. so poor thing, travel alone.
Special ah, don't be so vulgar. it's not nice, you're not like that de.
and stop calling dudu names ah, i know it's an habit. it can be kicked. i'll help you!
whenever you does it, i'll smack you! LOLS. till you remember.
lalalas~ jiayou for ya project! hope i wouldn't bleed when i'm out with you anymore. LOLS.
specially dumb heartbreaker in a cute way. @
3:09 AM
it was Carrin's 20th birthday on 1st november, celebrated at sky pub. losta people were present.
drinking sessions went on. people got drunk, they puked, make a sence and all.
nonetheless, there's fun going on.
group pictures!
hope she enjoyed her advanced 20th birthday with us!
may her wishes come true! (:
2:55 AM
Pictures Up!
that other day; i forgot when, a group of us went over to Wilson Ong's place; to make use of the facilities there. hahas.
it's Castle Green Condo, at Yio Chu Kang MRT Station. took a couple of censored pictures.
gawd! i looked like SHIT! -.- they're not going to be posted up anywhere on the net. LOLS.
i was snapped with my towel around me and munching away.
dudu and me;waving at the camera. hahas.
my big sister;Carrin and me.
dudu and special;noel.
the brookeback mountian. LOLS.
to be continue~
2:30 AM
we did a little of cam-whore; okay. i did. hahas.
special and me.
wilson and me. ME! doncha dare to throw upon seeing my pictures hor. kekes.
fun-filled day,more more.
2:10 AM
Friday, November 03, 2006
Any moment, everything can change, Feel the wind on your shoulder, For a minute, all the world can wait, Let go of your yesterday.
Can you hear it calling? Can you feel it in your soul? Can you trust this longing? And take control,
Fly Open up the part of you that wants to hide away You can shine, Forget about the reasons why you can't in life, And start to try, cause it's your time, Time to fly.
All your worries, leave them somewhere else, Find a dream you can follow, Reach for something, when there's nothing left, And the world's feeling hollow.
Can you hear it calling? Can you feel it in your soul? Can you trust this longing? And take control,
Fly Open up the part of you that wants to hide away You can shine, Forget about the reasons why you can't in life, And start to try, cause it's your time, Time to fly.
And when you're down and feel alone, Just want to run away, Trust yourself and don't give up, You know you better than anyone else,
Any moment, everything can change, Feel the wind on your shoulder, For a minute, all the world can wait, Let go of yesterday,
Fly Open up the part of you that wants to hide away You can shine, Forget about the reasons why you can't in life, And start to try,
Fly Forget about the reasons why you can't in life, And start to try, cause it's your time, Time to fly.
In a moment, everything can change.
3:19 PM
i'm the blacksheep in the family, the Cinderella. when; just when? would i be able to get out of this place?
nothing i do seems to please anybody at all. what had i done so wrong? i'm in such a dilemma.
somehow, it's determines me even more to fly out on my own; move out;do whatever i can to get out of here. am i capable?
why is she always picking on me? ain't there others for her to throw her weight around on? just because he pampers me and all, it's only right for her to do so?
now, he's almost standing with her on the same line already. what's got into that teeny-weeny brain of his?
fancy keeping tabs on me all the time; since i was don't at what age; 10?
what gave him the authority to do so; getting a nothing-better-to-do person to check on me. as that he's my dad? bullshit.
i've been sick, for 2 weeks who cares? wanna cut off my cashflow; so that i'll stay home and be a nice good girl; that you all want me to be.
go ahead, for all i care. all these ain't stopping me from going inside.
they don't know me; not at all. sighs.
let the rain fall down and wake my dreams, let it wash away my insanity. cause i wanna feel the thunder, i wanna scream. all these not going to go on long. @
2:55 PM