Thursday, September 28, 2006
ahhhhhhh...i had so enough of her la.damn hellish.i don't know what on earth she wants from me.i wanna be so on my own,out of her reach.i had suffered enough of her nonsenses.i wanna move out!!!!i'm so breaking down.she's so ridiculous.always giving in to her,makes her feed on me more.imma get my own place,and everything i need soon.i know that i may have to work extremely hard for it,but it'll all be worthed.for i wanna get out of the clutches of the devil.*cries*save me~
11:40 PM
why i love exam period:-i'll be able to nap in the noon,soundly after the day at school ends.-feel burdens off my shoulders.-early dismissals.-cab to school. :Pwhy i hate exam period:-wouldn't be able to get enough sleep in the night.-feel lethargic after each paper.-super stressed.-afraid of being late for paper.-gotta go to school.well well,i spent $21 cabbing to school again today.burning a hole in my pocket man,twice in a week.if this goes on,i'll need to feed on grass then.LOLS.finally,science and english written paper has been cleared.((:left with poa and maths paper 2.heard that there'll be a science practical,and it's after a 6 hours break.-.-6 hours break,what can we do with it man.grrrrr.i'll probably crash over at granny's and go to school when it's time.LOLS.i was so dead when i got home this afternoon.slept it through till about 9 plus,woke up and had some food;straving already.hurray~~~there's no school tomorrow.but i'm not free.i'm going out.hees.have to meet my aunt someday soon.she got herself a puppy,and help is needed.i'd offer myself.((:gwad!i'm getting fat!!!whereas Mr Koh say i've slimed out work out work out~
11:06 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.imma going to get something to fill my grouchy stomache;something my chemistry text book for a little while,and then off to bed.have an early night people.(:
12:16 AM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
i've just watched the last eposide of the drama series;
holland village.
it's a pretty nice show,
and the finale is a touching one.
i've forgot to added that i'll be having a week of from school,
after my preliminaries.
(7-10-06 to 15-10-06)
nice eh.
that is not a period for me to slack.
i gotta make full use of that time.
to study.
i wanna share with you guys something.
an addition to the family tree,
my cousin.
was quite a big baby when she's born;
look so cute!!!!
can't wait to see her!!!

welcome to the big family;
Goh Shu Hui.
i'll be visting you soon.
with love from ya cuzzie.
You Ain't Worthy To Be Loved,If You Don't Love Youself.
6:27 PM
today mark the start of my prelim's math paper 1 first.tomorrow is science paper 3.woke up at nearly 8am,where i'm supposed to be up at 7.30am;half an hour late.thus i took my own sweet time to prepare;bath,pack my bag and i even done up breakfast.hahas.lastly at finishing breakie,i gave the cabby company's hotline dial;call for a cab.costed frigging 22 bucks to go to school.the ERP,booking fees,peak hour and meter run.grrr~lesson learnt;wake up early and take public transport.LOLS.well,paper was kinda alright i think.even though i didn't manage to get done all with the paper,but i'll work even harder for the rest of the papers.stupid nose is acting up again,feel so sore man.argh~here's a copy of the exam time table of mine:TUESDAY(26-9-06)-maths paper 1WEDNESDAY(27-9-06)-science paper 3THURSDAY(28-9-06)-english paper 1-english paper 2-science paper 2MONDAY(2-10-06)-maths paper 2TUESDAY(3-10-06)-poa paper 2THURSDAY(5-10-06)-poa paper 1FRIDAY(6-10-06)-science paper 1alrights.i'm going to rest for now.gotta study for my paper tomorrow's chemistry.all the formulas and equations,chemicals and whatever shit.i'll love it.(bluff myself)-.-wish me luck,ciaos~
12:51 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
the admins of BOOM,Adrian and Victor.

the girls being snapped,from left to right.Glenda,Fiona,Candy,Joan,Naush and me. 
Fiona and Glenda caught on the camera by Victor,Adrian hide in time.LOLS.
Naush and me got snapped too,don't know by who. i was aimed the whole dining session. DUHS~
don't trust me? proof's here,by Wilson. ahhhh~ by the way,my dinner was healthy eh,so much veggies.i didn't eat them though. :p
that's Bronson showing off his armpit to the camera,and Wilson beside him;trying hard not to look. they're crappers!!! Glenda's laughing at them behind. LOLS.
a clearer picture of the bartender whose "54 year old";Wilson!! hahas~
last snap and picture for the night,before everyone goes their seperate ways.Naush,me,Bronson and Wilson's hair,because Candy blocked him.
credits for the pictures is to the BOOM forum. ignore the wordings in the pictures,they're just for fun. come to think of it,only Joan's picture wasn't taken. wonder why,hmmms~
1:33 AM
went out to dine with my BOOMIES last few days ago,I LOVE THEM!!!it's was the largest crowd ever,
10 people.
4 guys and 6 girls.
knew more new peeps!
for once.
the girls out-numbered the guys.
met up at takeshimaya with most of them,
and waited for the rest.
walked over to centrepoint's TCC cos it's more spacious there.
the poor waiter gotta help put the tables together for us,
and the poor waitress gotta put up with the craps Bronson and Wilson were giving.
beware the 2 'sons' are gays;
attached to each other.
after dinner,
Victor sent Glenda and Fiona home;
as Glenda's suppose to be home by 9 plus,
and there's school the next day.
Joan and Candy left,
don't know where they went.
leaving Adrian,Bronson,Naush,Wilson and me.
Bronson's friend,
Dunnie came and joined the remaining people.
went to cineleisure to withdraw some cash,
and to K-pool for some games on the table.
i didn't play,
cause i don't know how too.
everyone thought i know how to play pool.
i know yahoo pool only.
another friend of Bronson joined us too,
his name is Surein,
and he looks familiar to me.
maybe because he used to school in yuhua sec. sch.
we procced to the *scape;
for Bronson and Dunnie's dinner.
Dunnie,Wilson and Surein got into a cab,
while Naush,Bronson and me got into another;
headed to some indian bar,
at boat quay. Bronson and Wilson were such sweet darlings,they pecked my cheeks with a kiss each.hees~
chilled and all till abt 2am,
left the place.
the three related friends went off to some other club.
Wilson,Naush and me sat by the river and crapped.
board the cab and sent Naush home first.
Wilson and i sat and talked at the void deck till morning comes.
i felt sick a few times that night,
don't know why.
so wanted to puke but can't.
motion sickess acting up too.
pictures up in the next entry.
1:02 AM
headed out for dinner with draven today.
met at lakeside mrt station.
it's the central for us;
cause we live on the opposite sides of the the station.
i was late;
fell asleep.
he fell asleep while texting also.
met up,
wanted to take the bus over,
but was too packed.
hence we walked a mrt stop to the desired destination.
reached sakae sushi,
the queue's damn long.
waited and not long later,
we're being served.
the dinner mounted to about $58.
it's his treat,
but i told him;
i'll treat him back next time.
after dinner,
we walked back.
he walked me home.
was a breezy night,
so kinda alright to walk.
if not,
i'll take the bus or cab home.
i'm a lazy girl.
end off with a picture he took at sakae.
12:50 AM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
i don't like people who call me all the time for nothing.i don't like people who tries to get on my nerves.i don't like people who assume they know me.i don't like people who think that they know how i feel.i don't like people to message all the time for nothing.i don't like people who pester me.i don't like private numbers.i don't like people to presujme things.i don't like people who beat around the bush.i don't like people who leech.i don't like people who take advantage of others.i don't like liars.i don't like people who tries to control me.the list goes on and on.there's alot of things that i don't like.i simply hate it.grrrrrs~
6:09 PM
A- You like to curse alot.N- You are dead sexy.A- You like to curse alotB- You like people.E- Damn good kisser.L- you live to have fun.L- you live to have fun.E- Damn good kisser.
J- Everyone loves you.O- You are one of the best in bed.L- you live to have fun.Y- one of the best damn bf/gf ne one could ask for.N- You are dead sexy.
C- You're wild and crazy.H- You have a very good personality and looks.U- You really like to chill.A- You like to curse alot.
S- Easy to fall in love with.I- You have a fine ass.E- Damn good kisser.W- You are very broad minded.
T- You're loyal to those you love.E- Damn good kisser.N- You are dead sexy.G- You never let people tell you what to do.-someone sent me true is this?? LOLS.
2:53 AM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
c'est merde tout tourne à la merde j'ai suis venu jusqu'ici réalise que je suis tomber plus profond dans les depts de l'obscurité dans rien je peux faire beaucoup puisque je tombe toujours personne pourrais m'attraper sur le bras pour me sauver toujours où est cet ange que j'ai eu besoin pour ainsi désire ardemment mais il n'est pas arrivéfigure it out yourself.(:
11:05 PM
i've not been a happy girl,not that i've just realised it.i guess i just pushed it to the back of my mind everytime.go ahead and say that i'm delusional,i's all coming back to me,i feel it.arghs~one of those nights~
9:58 PM
it feels like home to me~i'm back!!!after quite some lappy gave me some problems again.i guess i'll need to save up;and get a new,good one.hmmms~don't ask me how long have i not go to school.because i've lose count myself too.LOLS.i can't say i'm living a fruitful life.i'm gonna do some plannings.make my life worth the ride.i've got a lot of things to blog on,but i don't know where and how to day;'ll all be out in words.((:let me die~
8:59 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
somehow,my mum isn't very pleased with my late nights.aiya,she seems so always not happy with me.always complain to my dad about this and that;about me.i'm used to it,although it disturbs me,but i'm not gonna care so much about it.ahhhh...there she goes...
1:16 AM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
words can't bring me down~
i feel like i'm a failure;
a loser.
in life;
in everything.
let alone be a daughter,
a student,a friend,a sister;
anything and everything.
emotions flow just too freely and easily.
nobody gives a damn.
whatever frigging word can be it.
i'm so sick and tired of life,
what does it wants from me?
it's so fragile.
i'm so alone~
so alone in this cold hard world.
where are the arms;
i longth for some warmth.
make me a happy girl;
let those around me be happy,
that's all i ask for.
shoot me,stab me.
take away my life~
4:44 AM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
THE BOOM-ERS OUTING!!!fun fun~i love them!!!hees...the 3,me and carrin.naush not in the picture,but she was there.
that's dawg posing in ice's coat.LOLS...
the one holding the microphone is our mr late king.he's always late;all the time!!!never fail.beside him is his friend;whose name i forgot.:X
we are the lesbo crew in BOOM family;carrin and me.
opps.someone caught us on the lens when i was showing affection,to carrin.uh uh~
everyone saw this.we look like kissing fish,don't we?
dawg acted cool when he saw carrin and me kissing.
but nil nil tried to kill himself over that at the end of the day,with a plastic knife?how sad~LOLS...
this entry is brough to you by;tinkle bell.thank you.
hope you have a nice day.(:
12:55 PM
long time since i blog.there's no motivation to blog on,blogger is going bonkers.recently i went away;on a birthday chalet.presenting the birthday girl;TAN YALUN.
look at their blissful sweet aye?all had a great time there.cake from swensens~
below are a few random pictures.xuanhong puking on the flower;piyo got for the birthday girl.i'm modelling for the flower,back off man!
we act like retards.LOLS.
yuwen and me,such sweet girls...((:
a picture before i had to leave.may's not in again;she's the one snapping our shoot.LOLS
last but not least,HAPPY BIRTHDAY YALUN!!!hope you enjoyed yourself.may you be blessed.and you can go club le!!!!hahas~this post maybe late,but i've wished her on the exact day itself.
12:20 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Too Close To Comfort--McFly I never meant the things I saidTo make you cryCan I say I'm sorryIt's hard to forgetAnd yes I regretAll these mistakesI don't know why you're leaving MeBut I know you must have your reasonsThere's tears in your eyesI watch as you cryBut it's getting lateWas I invading in on your secretsWas I too close for comfortYou're pushing me outWhen I'm wanting inWhat was I just about to discoverWhen I got too close for comfortDriving you homeGuess I'll never knowRemember when we scratched our names into the sandAnd told me you loved meBut now that I findThat you've changed your mindI'm lost for wordsAnd everything I feel for youI wrote down on one piece of paperThe one in your handYou won't understandHow much it hurts to let you goWas I invading in on your secretsWas I too close for comfortYou're pushing me outWhen I'm wanting inWhat was I just about to discoverI got too close for comfortDriving you homeGuess I'll never knowAll this time you've been telling me liesHidden in bags that are under your eyesAnd when I asked you I knew I was rightBut if you turn your back on me nowWhen I need you mostBut you chose to let me downWon't you think about what you're about to do to meAnd back down...Was I invading in on your secretsWas I too close for comfortYou're pushing me outWhen I'm wanting inWhat was I just about to discoverI got too close for comfortYou're pushing me outWhen I'm wanting in(Yeh yeh yeh)What was I just about to discoverWhen I got too close for comfortDriving you homeI guess I'll never know...
6:32 AM
recently i know a guy,by the name of DANIEL CHENG,also known as IRC.he's 28 years old,and attached,living in the west of singapore.he's got a very evil laughter;always laughing out loud.which scares me all the time.he likes to pose as a gay,turning people off.and impersonate a friend of mine;nutter.he's a funny,interesting and yet irritating chap.LOLS.not exactly irritating.but rather,he likes to fool around with people and stuffs.hahas.beware of him!!lalalalas~((:
2:52 AM
Friday, September 08, 2006
damn.some people just like to go against me.even the closet ones.why aren't they understanding towards me?all the negative things,all cast upon me.everything is my fault.what is these man.fancy sitting behind and looking into everything that i've written.i don't care.whatever i've written is mine.nobody's gonna change that,if they're so unhappy about me and all things.let it be.i can care no more.i don't give a fuck.can tell the world for all i care.i've decided not to care anymore.yes,i'm a bliss child.but i'm not living in a world that i'm happy with.somethings,i don't need to spell it out.whatever comes,i'll take it in my'll all be my wrongs in the why bother?i'm going to fly~HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST BROTHER,CLOUD CHUA!!!may your dreams come true,all the best in everything,be blessed.
2:33 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
yes;my bad,for not updating.i just don't have the mood to do so.things haven't been going the right way.days were wasted away.waking up in the mornings with no idea;how i passed the day before and seems that the memory space in my mind is being used up,all so used up.would things go back to where they were in the past?no;move on.nobody stops at the same spot.get over with it.well,thanks to the 3 people who tagged my board.i'm grateful.(:for you guys,i'll blog.thank you.i've not been a happy girl.but LEON,i'm happy when i'm with worries.((:ahhh.i don't know what to blog hell with studies's dragging me down.i'm going out of my mind.make me a happy girl!sighs~
1:58 AM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
mood's uber bad.due to lotsa things.will blog again.aiya,who cares if i blog or don't blog.forget it.damned.
2:54 AM