Thursday, August 31, 2006
2 movie outings in a week!!!
with the peeps from singapore.
great fun aye.
hope everyone enjoyed!!~
met up with,
Dex,Leon,Raphael(the late king),Alvin and Kelvin.
i'm the only girl again!
but this didn't restrict me from interacting with the guys.
they're cool people.
movie was pushed back,
as raphael is late and it started.
thus we went for food.
walk a distance,
wanted to have prawn noodles,
the shop's closing.
right in front of us!!
no choice,
we walked further;
to a shop selling duck stuffs.
we settled our meal there.
oredered a whole duck;
freaking $36.
the auntie like think we no money to pay.
i ate very little as usual,
the guys try helping to finish the food.
the food there is so-so only.
and i think it's my first and last time there.
no doubts.
footed back to bugis juction for our movie;
Ghost Game. Dex left for his dinner date then.
it's not a scary movie to me,
i wasn't even excited about the show and all.
kinda expected,
and Leon was saying,
i'm immuned to all these.
i'm kinda la,
but i can't really stand gross scenes.
my weak point~
after movie,
we walked in the rain,
to suntec.
k-boxing session.
there're people going to join the audition.
fun fun!!
kelvin and raphael left early,
left the 3 of us.
we sing till 1 plus.
cabbed home with leon,
dropped him off first and he accompanied me by was a fun day afterall.resulting me in the exhaust mode,due to the insufficient sleep and studies.((:I'M BACK IN SINGAPORE FOR A WEEK TODAY!!!
3:48 PM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
how 'cool' can this get man...LOLSi'm mistaken;mistaken to be a homosexual,or even a bisexual.-.-i'm straight la...always so straight.i've got boyfriends before aye.and i like guys.((:all because of connie la..duhs...let people have the wrong idea.LOLS.i think it's just so funny.:Paiya,in conclusion,I'M STRAIGHT!!
9:12 PM
woots!!!i enjoyed my day!!!lalalas~made new friends today!!!Raphael and Alvin.we went to watch movie;love's a comedy love story.had lotsa laughters,till i'm kinda full.LOLS.dine in with them at connie's work place,and picked connie up after her work;to meet benn-y.chilled with them at plaza singapura,till connie head off for supper with her colleages.i trained home with benn.had talks,nice catching up.((:hey benn-y,i know you'll read ya?hahas.thanks for walking me home,and the chats.enjoyed them alot.take care and best of luck!will keep ya in my prayers.((:lastly,i miss everybody!!!!((:i'm such a happy girl,i think.hahas.
2:15 AM
Monday, August 28, 2006
BOOS!!!there's no even a star too.sighs~was so looking forward to it,being let down in the end.saying goes;don't put hopes high,lest the outcome is not expected,you'll fall hard.stay home the whole day.slept at 7 plus in the morning,only waking up at abt 5 plus in the noon.nobody disturbed me,as everyone was out to grandma's place.had my ample rest!!didn't do much studying today,slacker's day!school's on tomorrow,prelims' timetable's out already.gotta get it soon,or have it post to me by mail.hahas.i'm a geek!and i'm sad,no moons and no stars.):
2:19 AM
BOOS!!!there's no even a star too.sighs~was so looking forward to it,being let down in the end.saying goes;don't put hopes high,lest the outcome is not expected,you'll fall hard.stay home the whole day.slept at 7 plus in the morning,only waking up at abt 5 plus in the noon.nobody disturbed me,as everyone was out to grandma's place.had my ample rest!!didn't do much studying today,slacker's day!school's on tomorrow,prelims' timetable's out already.gotta get it soon,or have it post to me by mail.hahas.i'm a geek!and i'm sad,no moons and no stars.):
2:19 AM
BOOS!!!there's no even a star too.sighs~was so looking forward to it,being let down in the end.saying goes;don't put hopes high,lest the outcome is not expected,you'll fall hard.stay home the whole day.slept at 7 plus in the morning,only waking up at abt 5 plus in the noon.nobody disturbed me,as everyone was out to grandma's place.had my ample rest!!didn't do much studying today,slacker's day!school's on tomorrow,prelims' timetable's out already.gotta get it soon,or have it post to me by mail.hahas.i'm a geek!and i'm sad,no moons and no stars.):
2:19 AM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
pray hard tonight got moon!!!cause last night no moon.let there be a vast sky of shining stars too.i miss the stars!!!even if the 2 moons thing is not true,let there be a beautiful night view tonight.*praying hard*
8:43 PM
something catchy....been spinning in my head for days...since friday...from the movie;too fast too furious:tokyo drift.haven't watch it.the song is catchy.i'm sure a lot of people will try to sing along."i wonder if you know, how they live in tokyo, if you see me and you mean it, then you really have to go. fast and furious (drift,drift,drift) fast and fuious (drift,drift,drift)"listen to that song man,you'll love it.LOLS.
8:36 PM
hey hey,here's a picture of soccer boys!!how does it looks?don't they give you the 'come-get-me feeling'?LOLS.i think they're pretty 'wooohooo'.what's more,my uncle is in this team man!guess where he is!!hahas.he's the one in the middle of the bottom row,look sauve ayes??GO GET HIM GIRLS!!!~oh ya,i got the picture from his blog.wahahas...don't know if he'll drop-by and see this;me being such a nice niece,advertising for him.and and,can anyone tell me,why pluto is not consider as a planet??lalalas~2 moons today!!!looking forward~
6:38 PM
i'm back from steamboat!!!
it was so extremely nice man.
we had hell loads of great fun!!!
connie and benn joined us!!
hope they enjoyed themselves!!
the laughters,jokes and etc;
all of us shared were hilarous.
all in all,
it's the company that counts.
i bet everyone enjoyed!!
only jingye,
cause he wasn't with us.
next time ya?
today was a busy day too.
hurried around jurong point,
to get things done and all.
accomplish quite a number of things in a day;
within very limited time.
feel so nice...
blog again tomorrow!
12:47 AM
i'm back from steamboat!!!
it was so extremely nice man.
we had hell loads of great fun!!!
connie and benn joined us!!
hope they enjoyed themselves!!
the laughters,jokes and etc;
all of us shared were hilarous.
all in all,
it's the company that counts.
i bet everyone enjoyed!!
only jingye,
cause he wasn't with us.
next time ya?
today was a busy day too.
hurried around jurong point,
to get things done and all.
accomplish quite a number of things in a day;
within very limited time.
feel so nice...
blog again tomorrow!
12:47 AM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
my eyes haven fully recover!!!!
was better yesterday,
but when i woke up today.
i could feel the pain,
i looked into the mirror,
my eyes were slightly red again.
how how???
i'm going to service later,
there's steamboat after that.
and tomorrow,
i'm going for moon watching.
heal my sore eyes please.
i've got a lot of things to do!!!!
i don't want to wear sunnies all day long anymore.
it's very uncomfortable..
may your dreams come true,
all the best!
12:20 PM
i got tailed by a cat!!!scared the hell outta me.i'm afraid of cats if you didn't know.i tried to lose it,but it just wouldn't give up following that critical moment,i made a short prayer to God.finally manage to reach my place's void deck,and there's a black many people,they may think that black cat symbolise bad luck.but at that time,i think it's God answering my prayers.((:he sent the black cat to distract the cat which followed me,allowing me to escape through another route;back home.Thank God.Hallehlujah!cell group meeting was great as always!and i wore sunnies.even though the people were few,but we still manage to pull down God's presence!meeting the members living in the west at 1.30pm;jurong east mrt station laters.after service got steamboat!!!yeah!!!happy happy!!interaction,fellowshipping etc.bonding!and the nicest things of all is,Connie is going to join us again!!! and Benn too prehaps.((:gonna get the winks already.tireds~ciao!
3:33 AM
Friday, August 25, 2006
Thank God It's Friday!!!
i'm feeling good today!!!
despite i'm having the time of the month;
cramps and backaches etc.
i'm going to leave house at 6pm,
to go to my cell group meeting at 7pm.
will be meeting connie.
i miss cell group meetings!!!
miss gathering with the W169 peeps,
praising,worshipping,fellowshipping and all.
let's burn!!!
for our Almighty God!!!
spent my afternoon watching shows on cable just now.
i know it ain't any fruitful.
but i just want to relax for a day,
can i?
watched 2 shows,
both starred Takeshi Kaneshiro.
i preferred him in the days when he's younger,
looks fresher and all.
in other words,
i prefer him in the past,
rather then now.
prelims coming soon!!
stress building up!!!
why didn't i be a good student last time,
if not i wouldn't need to be what i am today.
shoo shoo~
forget it.
work hard now.
"there's no promises on fair,
people just persue in vain."
6:07 PM
gawd!i turned in at 8.30pm just's 1am now.i'm still feeling tired,Thank God.meaning i could still go to bed later.wahahahahas~only had a meal today.feeling kinda hungry now.i'll bear with it,wait till tomorrow morning wake up,then eat....hees~meanwhile,i'm going to get myself a honey drink,before i hit the sacks throat feels a little dry,my eyes' better now. ((:looking forward to sunday!!
1:05 AM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
1. full name: Anabelle Jolyn Chua Siew Teng
2. name backwards: gneT weiS auhC nyloJ ellebanA
3. were you named after someone: no?
4. meaning of name: Lovable,Kind,She will increase.
5. nickname: Jo,Belle-belle and a lot more.
6. screen name: belle-jo analyn
7. D.O.B: 04 May 1989.
8. place of birth: Kandang Kerbau Hospital.
9. nationality: singaporean.
10. current location: in the living room;at the tea-table.
11. star sign: taurus.
12. religion: christianity.
13. height: 160cm
14. weight: shhheeshh~ :P
15. shoe size: 38=7?
16. hair colour: a hint of black;see it for yourself.
17. eye colour: hazel brown.
18. who do you look like: I'm created in the image of God. :)
19. innie or outtie: a bit of both.
20. leftie or rightie: right handed.
21. gay, straight, bi or others: straight,no doubts.
22. best friends: anyone and everyone could be.
23. best friend you trust most: Connie,Legs.
24. favourite pals: Connie,Gabby,Friends in church,4b'05,The Clique.
25. best friend of opposite sex: My papi(LOLS),Legs.
26. best buddies: refer to Q22.
27. boyfriend or girlfriend: Straight=Boyfriend.
28. crush: Everyone knows it,not a crush anymore.
29. parents: Great!
30. worst enemy: Should love others like ourselves.Though there's bound to be people we don't like,but it doesn't count as enemy.
31. favourite online guy: Legs!,Benn(sad to say).
32. favourite online girl: Gabby,Connie,May.
33. craziest friend: May,Yalun,Yingling?
34. advice friend: God,my elders and some friends.
35. loudest friend: no pin-pointing,everyone can be. :)
36. person you cry with: refer to Q26.
37. any sisters: nopes
38. any brothers: Cloud and Anderson.
39. any pets: Yes,my baby! 40. any disease: sore eyes counted?
41. pagers: used to;in primary school.
42. personal phone line: my cell-phone.
43. cell phone: Samsung D520.
44. lava lamp: whatever for?
45. pool or hot tub: if i've got the monies in future.
46. a car: Mitsubishi Grandis
47. your personality: it's for you to found out no?
48. driving: soon,after i got the liscense.
49. room: i share room with my youngest brother and maid.
50. what's missing: i'm pleased with what i have. :)
51. school: City Harvest Edu. Cent. (CHEC)
52. bed colour: green with lovely bears.
53. relationship with parents: good,but there's always room for improvements. :)
54. believe in yourself: always.
55. believe in love at first sight: only applies to Andy Lau.
56. good listener: i reckon?
. get along well with parents: no doubts about it.
58. save email conversations: yes,but not the same ones.
59. pray: yes. :)
60. believe in reincarnation: i don't know.
61. make fun of people: it's fun ya.
62. like to talk on the phone: yes,better than texts.
63. want to get married: when the time and person is right.
64. like to drive: if i've got the ability to.
65. motion sickness: better than it used to be.
66. eat stem of broccoli:yups,my favorite veggie!
67. eat chicken with fork: yes.
68. dream in colour: i don't have the habit to remember dreams,but i try to. :)
69. type with your fingers on home role: uh huh?
70. sleep with stuff animals: yes,but i don't hug them to sleep?
71. next to you: anderson;peeping as usual.
72. on the walls of your room: air-con.
73. on your mousepad: i don't have one.
74. dream car: mini cooper,some car with no behinds. HAHAS.
75. dream date: someone i fancy,someone who's being himself.
76. dream honeymoon spot: somehow out of town;countryside prehaps.
77. dream husband or wife: prehaps like the couple in the song of 'Love Me' by Colin Raye?
78. bedtime: as and when i like.
79. under your bed: boxes of magazines,cds,clothes.
80. single most important question: ??
81. bad time of a day: feeling like a bum.
82. your worst fear: not being able to show appreciation to others before it's too late.
83. the weather is: bright and shiny!
84. time: 4:45pm
85. date: 24nd august 2006
86. best trick did on someone: treats maybe.
87. theme song: Without You?
88. hardest thing about growing up: everything.
89. funniest experience: a handful.
90. scariest experience: wake up crying.
91. silliest thing you have ever said: I think i always say silly things.LOLS.
93. scariest thing while you are with your friends: being not included.
94. worst feeling: feeling sick.
95. best feeling in the world: happy!
-i'm such a nice person,so i'm not going to sabo anybody. HAHAHAS. whoever wanna do it,do it ya. ((: i did it cause of boredom! LOLS. :P
5:04 PM
CHANGE OF BLOGSKIN!!!((:spent time doing my template,
despite of my sore eyes.
mum was nagging so much.
if i didn't get my templates done,
i don't think i'll get it done anyway.
and by that time,
may would nag like hell.
with the free time i had,
i browse around for pictures;
classy pictures.
like the one in my blog,
nice eh?
wanted to look for the one that i set my eyes on quite a long time ago,
but couldn't find it.
with a handful of pictures to choose from,
i think this is the best.
and i've added music!!
spent 2 days on this man.
damn the html thingys,
so hard to do.
i'm a happy girl la.
the output of my effort is good!!!
doncha think so??
4:00 PM
谁能给我一个好的回答 *
repeat *
repeat * twice
2:56 PM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
it was sunnies day for me yesterday.wore glasses for the whole day;from morning till night.even at home.i've experienced how the blinds figure their way,my eyes were glued together after applying the medication.i bet people would think that i'm some kind of nuts,having the spectacles on at all times.despite my very sore and infected eyes,i still went to jurong point to shop and eat a little.resulting in even more sore eyes.turning the whites of the eyeballs to total red,and feeling like the eyes would pop out of the sockets any moment.scary eh?i turned in early,thinking for the sake of my eyes.i love my eyes man.placed wet cotton wool on my eyes to absorb the heat before i slept last night,later gonna use cucumber.cooling~oh ya,i went to the doctor just now.he gave me 3 days mc.prescribed;1 bottle of eye drops,1 eyes gel,and a packet of tablets for my sinus and pain relief.gotta drink more water and have sufficient rest.i'm thinking of my lemon honey drink later.hees.poor little brother;anderson,got minor sore eyes that makes the 3 siblings with sore eyes,people wouldn't know we not brothers and sister.okay okays,i think i should end my entry.cause i'm getting not to know what i'm typing already.laters~
1:13 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
english oral examination was alright;
i think.
just don't know if i can score well for it.
hope i can.
before the start of my oral examination,
i called the Ministry of Education;
regarding my eyes.
they told me to put on shades,
i did.
luckily was able to sit for it,
if not don't what will happen.
my dad is so funny,
he brought my entry proof to work.
what was he thinking man,
wanna show his friends how entry proof nowadays look like ah?
nothing better to do eh,
luckily the examiners no need to see the entry proof,
and my dad deliver it to me in time.
waited quite long for my turn,
saw jiawen and some people i know.
when it comes to my turn,
me:"good afternoon."
the examiners:"ya,can i have your IC for verification?"
me:"yes.and i'm sorry,i have to put on the shades.cos' i've got sore eyes."
the examiners:"sure.but can you read? any difficulty?"
me:"it's ok.i'll try."
the examiners:"ok,you may start."
Thank God,
i've got a pair of kinda nice examiners.
i'm kinda scared la.
cause they quite bombarded me a few questions.
pray hard that i can fare well.
pray for me too!!
gotta rest my eyes already,
it's getting painful.
4:37 PM
11:59 AM
Monday, August 21, 2006
ahhh,i slept at 9 plus last night,till 12 noon today.was feeling super tired and sleepy,probably because of the blasted day before;saturday,and waking up early on sunday.LOLS.went to the library;returned and borrowed some books,afterwhich head down to kallang;visit the grands and meet up with my family.dine at my favorite resturant of all times;Long Beach.yummies~gotta get my lazy-ass to school tomorrow morning;for last minute oral examination's tips,cause i'm sitting for it at 2.15pm;yuan ching secondary will end at 12.15pm,early dismissal,meaning only about an hour's lesson.woots!might be meeting up with connie in the night,she's having her holidays already!! soon, holidays is breaking up for everyone.WHERE'S MINE???!!??never first,play later. lalalas~
10:14 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
had a long great service on saturday with Rev. Dr. A.R. Benard in church;
3 whole hours.
hall 8 was packed and there were over-flow rooms.
Rev.Dr. A.R. Benard is a great man of God.
he's a well known personality all over the world.
it's very a very nice experience.
left church and the members to go to town;meeting connie and legs.supposed to meet legs;8.30pm at somerset mrt station.Thank God he call to inform that he'll be late,if not i'll kill him.LOLS.anyway,i got to somerset at 9pm.waited and walked to dhoby ghuat mrt station;meet legs.he only arrived a little after 10pm.see how long i waited for him?ahhh~but he's nice la.cause we came up with a surprise for connie.headed to TCC at centrepoint with both of them and mark,to eat and chill a bit.with nothing to do in the night,we went to orchard towers.what a feast for the eyes man.connie and i didn't know that there's such things going on in singapore.THE BAPOK BUSINESS!!!after that,all of us cabbed home,feeling wore out.legs got off first,and connie came over to sleep.woke up at 8.30 this morning,
prepared and all.
off to connie's place,
to let her get her things.
visited her church with her in the afternoon,
i've got no comments,
if you're thinking of asking me anything about it.
met audrey to pass her my dress and home i go,
whereas connie gotta get to work.
on the way home in the mrt,i stood next to a couple,whom happen to be educators,i believe.i was kinda pissed with the things they say,gossiping away about the students,guiding people's standards and all.moreover,they're can they do these,ain't they not suppose to do it!and,there's this bangala.i purposely avoid him;in any case you all don't i don't like bangalas and such.he kept coming near to me.keep trying to bump into me also.i got so pissed,and in the end when i was alighting,i gave him a damn forceful hell with him la.argh~no shows up today,
as the minister is trying to minister to the country;
having national rally.
gonna hit the books a while later,
after i take a short 15 minutes nap.
update again!
7:40 PM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
i've lost a friend;because of love.rejection turns things bad.things ended,friendship broken.we're out of each other's life now.are we gonna treat it like we've never known before?maybe he could do it,but i can't.cause he has been a good friend,and i know i've hurt him;probably deep.i swear i wasn't trying to rub things in,when he's going through the tough times.i don't want him to think about me,i'm just a burden.somehow i think,me out of his life;as he wanted,is better.cause if i'm around,i'll probably drag everything,if anyone.who wants me out of your life too,let me know.i feel really terrible,nasty,evil,horrible,incorrigble,and all negative about this.not because there's nobody to go after me or what,but,sighs.i don't know who will understand and know.i do not regret of my doing.everything shall be carried out in God's will,not,i only wish that everyone will be happy,and all the best in everything they's all enough for me.-sge ler ehe ruo yhs iwi.
12:49 AM
Friday, August 18, 2006
11:58 PM
can i say that the sun is rising from the different side which it always rises?cause BENN actually wanted to hang out after his exams,from his always-oh-so-busy-and-all me out please somebody!!but the cue lies with me,i choose who i wanna go out with.=pi know i'm being very full of myself making that statement,i wanna chill with people whom i like and all;cause i'll feel better and all.and i doubt some will know that.most importantly,i would love to go out with;MR LEGS.can i??lols.i miss him darn loads la,if you ask me.pretty please~well,i'm a happy girl!papi called my handphone not long ago,and was so pleased to hear that i'm at home.kept singing my priases over the phone,i'm flying;on cloud nine!!~daddy:"darling ah,where are you?"me:"at home! why?"daddy *sounding all pleased* :"ahhh! that's my good girl! it's a friday night and you're home. my precious~"i shall spare everyone from the gruesomely sweet nothings that my dad said;cause the conversation goes on with praises,praises and more praises.WOOOHOOOOS!!!~anyway,he's coming back on monday!the day where my classes end at 6pm.never mind,dinner's alright too!study first;after that i've got all the time in the world man.LOLSoh!and i'm having my O levels english oral exam;on 22082006,meaning next tuesday.the venue of the exam is not far fact,it's near i would say.just downstairs;at Yuan Ching Secondary School.weees~now wouldn't you say i'm a happy girl?but i think i'll be more happier if....hees~ps:if u know me,you'll know ya? :P
11:27 PM
i know it must hurt a lot and all,when you're being turn down.cause i felt it before.i'm sorry i have to do that.i'm not feeling all good too,if you know.i've hurted you by all the words i said.things ain't ever gonna be the same again,everyone knows that.the least i can do is to be there for you;but i can't be there all the's a tough phrase you're going through now,focus on God;let Him pull u through.let His will be done and not yours.lift it all up to Him,He have a way for all of us;no doubts.He'll never let us hard and take great care ya?i'll pray for you.wish to see you doing well and all.i don't know if you'll be reading this.if you do;know this.i'm just a call away,you probably wouldn't come to me,i know.nevertheless,all the best in your everything.
1:47 PM
I'M IN GREAT PAIN NOW!!!MY BROTHER TRIED TO POISON ME!!!ARGH!!!~I THINK I'M DYING LA!!!!i'm late for school again today.hahas.overslept a little,and gotta rush for class.just one class today;at 9.30am,and off scool we are.((:reached home nearly 12 noon.maid went to buy lunch as she didn't cook.everyone had their packet of chicken rice,but not me!!!!i only had 2 mouthfuls of it!!!MY BROTHER POISONED MY CHICKEN RICE!!!HE POURED A WHOLE PACK OF CHILLI INTO MY FOOD,AND TELL ME IT'S NOT HOT AT ALL!!MY STOMACH CANNOT TAKE IT,IT'S SUPER HOT AH!!!DAMN HIM FOR HIS ACTIONS.NOW I GOTTA SUFFER SO MUCH.DAMN MY WEAK STOMACH,A LITTLE TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING,I GOTTA BE BEST FRIENDS WITH THE LOO ALREADY.i gonna go take some medicines,and catch some rest.wish me well~
12:48 PM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
arghs!i was late for school today;my maid forgot to wake me up for lessons at 7.00am.resulting me going into school after lunch-time.didn't do much in class today;everybody's so stressed,that we crapped again.headed for a movie;'The American Haunting'.
not too horror,i was feeling rather impassive while watching i didn't have enough sleep these few days,so was kinda sick.cabbed home after that,took some medicine,and off to rest a bit.sleeping soon.morning lesson tomorrow,9.30am.*yawns*
8:30 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
i had a hell of a time from may,
stating i'm not blogging.
i'm sorry la.
i've got nothing to really blog about,
and a little lazy to blog.
but well,
i think if i keep on slacking.
there'll be no more updates;
and my blog can close down le.
since i'm here now,
i'll blog lo.
i went to school yesterday,
and my classmates were teasing me again.
they got nothing better to do,
but without all these craps.
there'll be not much laughters.
met up with may and chris for a late lunch,
bumped into yingling and yuwen;
thus we studied together.
as usual,
we chatted away,
went our separate after that.
school's gonna get stress already,
the prelims are coming,
following up by the big O levels.
must study and revise even more now,
i'm a geek!
i got a surprise!
my friend passed an application form to me.
it's the PROJECT SUPERSTAR application form!
ohmytian ah!!!~
they want me to join.
yuwen got the form too,
i think she should go.
she's got a great voice,
she will make it through.
i don't know about me.
it's scary~
i've got a special request from someone;
told me to mention him in my blog.
study hard ya,
don't always sleep ah.
take great cares~
that's all for now.
school's 9.30am tomorrow,
which means;
i gotta have an early night.
10:56 PM
i'm sorry,i'm not in the mood to blog recently.hence entries were few to none.will update soon.later.
12:51 AM
Monday, August 14, 2006
i dun understand life,not at all.who does?share some knowledge with me will you?but somehow,i guess nobody isn't about what you want,what you have,or;is a word.with a vast of meanings to it.maybe till the last breath,we still dunno the true meaning to it.nonetheless,there's a saying;life is short,live a fruitful,let's live without regrets.there's a mixture of feelings in me,somethings i can just blog it out;to destress and lift the burden a bit.but still,somethings i have to buried it deep in my heart.not that i don't wanna share or what,i'm sorry i can't.i can't share,nobody will understand and all.sighs.that's all randoms.ramblings~
3:54 PM
somehow...i find no motivation to blog,lazy to blog.but for MAY,i'm here to blog.she say she is my blog's devotee.feel honoured aye?LOLS.anyway,since i can't think of anything to blog on.i think i reply your tag here la.hahas.=pMay,thanks for the comments;changing my blog template soon.saw one blogskin,quite like it;now doing the edifications.that's all for blogging today ya?sleeping soon,tomorrow got school.accompanying mommy and grandma to shopping later.nights.((:
2:05 AM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
well well,
i've decided to divide the pictures i've got into 2 entry.
one is the normal ones;
while the other is my favorites!!!
this entry is on my favorite pictures!!!
though it's only 2,
for now.
but i love it to bits.
comments are welcome,
no worries.

My 2 beauties and me!!! They helped me a lot in the 1 and a half hour we've got. Thank you girls,i love you!!! ((: *mwahs* I'm sorry if i did snapped at you'all that day,time's limited and we've got so much to do. Nevertheless,good job!!
Now,for my most favorite picture out of all. hahas~

I so love this picture. I'm sorry if i sound too full of myself,but don't you all think this is a nice shot? ((: This picture's taken before the runway modelling begin. How's my design??
Now,let's talk a bit about the costume.
The shirt may be a little plain except the patch;it's the map of singapore.At the back of the shirt,4 marsh mellows were being sewed up to form a cresent and 5 cut out pieces of fabric to act as the stars.I wore a black pants topped with a pick skirt being slit open totally.A big piece of cloth is attached to the skirt;waves were drawn on it--inspired by the Merlion.Cardigan in my hand was a last minute add on,the yellow thingy on my head act as a hair band;made from the sleeves of my unwanted shirt.
you might not understand what i'm trying to say, i myself is also a bit puzzled with what i'm typing. Never mind it,any questions;pop it up to me. ((:
ps/: more pictures coming up after i got them. *winks*
7:48 PM
I GOT THE PICTURES ALREADY!!!though it's only a few,
but it's better than nothing right?
so now,
feel free to browse my pictures below,
and laugh your head off at them ya?
i know they're awful,
but who cares.
i like it.

First picture was taken before i report for my briefing.Wasn't prepared the time as it's being shot,thus i think i looks weird.Really.
Second picture was snapped apparently when i was posing for some other people's camera,with another model on my side.She looks pretty eh? ;)
Third picture,shot on the runway.Finally,i'm ready for junz camera.I look fat. Boos~
I bet all of you can see that i'm trying to act cute in front of the lenses,junz was so happy with this picture. -.-
Fifth picture's with lily.See she hugged me;she loves me. Hees~
7:17 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006
change in school timetable;
for the better!!!!
i like it,
even though there's a change in teacher;
from miss annie to miss clara for english,
and changes in classrooms.
so the new timetable goes like that.
Monday-- same.
Tuesday-- 11am to 4.30pm.
Wednesday-- same.
Thursday-- same.
Friday-- 9.30am to 11am.
i'm so loving friday now.
previously i used to so hate fridays in school,
cause class starts at 3pm.
can't do anything much before and after school,
such a bad timing.
hence i always skip school on fridays.
i know i'm a bad girl.
school's so far;
when i go to school,
i'll get nightmares.
the people in school are scary;
not all,
but my classmates are hostile.
i don't like it.
i'm so happy with school;
the timings.
but the nightmares;
i hope it'll end soon.
9:04 PM
1:18 AM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
If I never met you, I wouldn't like you.If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you,but I did,I do and I will.It takes a minute to like someone,and hour to love someone,but to forget someone takes a life time.Hearts live by being wounded.Some Day You'll Cry For Me Like I Cried For You, Some Day You'll Miss Me Like I Missed You, Some Day You'll Need Me Like I Needed You, Some Day You'll Love Me But I Won't Love You.Moving on is simple,it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult.I dont miss him,I miss who I thought he was.
My heart longs for you,my soul dies for you,my eyes cry for you,my empty arms reach out for you.Don't Cry Over Someone That Won't Cry Over You.No Guy Is Worth Your Tears And When You Find The One;That Is He Won't Make You Cry.Forget who hurt you yesterday,But don't forget who loves you tenderly today.Love can make you happy but often times it hurts,but love is only special when you give it to who its worth.The hardest part of loving someone is knowing when to let go,and knowing when to say goodbye.Forget the times he walked by,Forget the times he made you cry,Forget the times he spoke your name,Remember now your not the same.Forget the times he held your hand,Forget the sweet things if you can,Forget the times And Don't pretend,Remember now he's just your friend.The day you finally decide to love me will be the day after the day I have given up on chasing you.I hate to see the one I love happy with somebody but I surely hate it more to see the one I love unhappy with me.I had a dream and it was about you... I smiled and recalled the memories we had... then I noticed a tear fell from my eyes... you know why? Coz in my dream you kissed me and said goodbye..If in this lifetime,I wont get to have you, I'll make sure that if I meet you in my next life I wont have to think twice on saying that "I waited a lifetime to say I love you".If someone you love hurts you;cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.Never be sad for what is over, just be glad that it was once yours.i'm going to smile and make you think I’m happy, i'm going to laugh,so you don’t see me cry, i'm going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me;-i'm going to smile.It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost,The hottest love has the coldest end.Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.For few love can last a lifetime, but for many not knowing when to let go can hold them back forever.You broke me, you broke my heart, you broke everything! You turned my world upside down and inside out, BUT I know it was worth it for that one moment of love we had, it's a shame it went bad..... If You Really Love Something Set It Free. If It Comes Back It's Yours, If Not It Wasn't Meant To Be.
this is what i've found from my friends's nice i think,but not all.i've got my agrees and disagrees to it.hahas.hope you enjoy it~
2:39 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
as i said,
i would update about my today in the night;
so here it goes.
woke up at8.45am;
cause i set my alarm clock.
lay in bed till 9am.
got up,
settled some stuffs,
and off to prepare.
double check the things that i packed the night before,
brought more things along.
my bag was like a magic bag,
got alot of things inside.
whenever someone ask for something,
i would ask them to go dig into my bag;
i've got it there.
ain't it a magic bag or what?
i had my bag full,
a kinda bigger than middle-size plastic bag full,
and a shoe box.
so heavy~
headed out at 9.50am,
to lakeside mrt station to meet the "long-time-no-see" jonny,
and chinese garden mrt station to meet kelvin.
they were the young ones in my cell group,
secondary three and one respectively.
gotta bring them to the place whereby the event is held.
reached clementi mrt station on the dot.
but quite a number of early birds la,
so already reached the condominium.
pandan valley condominium was our destination.
it's like a world of it's own,
with shopping centre,
library, shops and all.
kinda scary i think.
it don't look like a condominium to me also,
like so hostel thingy;
got lotsa caucasians.
combine cell group meeting starts at 11.30am,
and ends at 12.40pm.
lunch was from12.45pm-1.15pm.
had fun fellowshipping with the people around;
jokes,the things they do and all.
we're laughing our heads off with mouth in our mouths.
fun time (PROJECT RUNWAY) begins when the time strike 1.30pm.
thank God i've come up with a design concept,
so no need to waste a lot of time thinking what to do.
i have lovely ex-hong kah classmates,
they're really nice;
Lily and Jun hui.
they never did voice out anything negative,
they're very co-operative.
helping out in all ways they can.
i was being sabotaged to be the model,
and escaped the role of being the can a model emcee for herself?-.-
there's so much to do.
i thank God that my team;
is really great.
came out with the costume named;
as you see,
the theme is "spirit of singapore".we didn't win the competetion,
but we sure had lotsa fun;
no doubt.
the mysterious material was 4 marsh mellows.
oh my,
what can we do with it??
wait and see~
we sewed it to the back of the crew neck tee with the small singapore map in front,forming it to a shape of the cresent.cutting out 5 pieces of fabric to act as the stars.anyway,jingye landed the role of the emcee,but we didn't have time to write a script for him to read;thus he gotta work his brain.wasn't feeling as nervous as the other models walking down the runway,i treated it like normal walking.but my friends came up to me and said that i walked like a real model,confidence oozing out too.LOLS.the crowd did cheered out loudly;when i started walking,when i took off my cardigan and throw it into the crowd.*blush*pictures will be up as soon as i get them,
so hope you will have a good time laughing at them.
after cleaning up and everything,
went to the ladies to clean up a bit before leaving.
i did not change back to my own clothes,
but wore the costume home;
only looking more decent this time round. as we've done a costume not too exaggerate,cause we want people to have the feeling of wearing it out too;no matter to shopping or what.
my heels gave way when i board the train,
thank God i had another pair of sandals with me.
dead beat when i got home,
headed to the showers for a long,warm bathe.
feeling a little refreshed;
then i start to unpack my stuffs.
i only brought back my bag;
kinda full,
and the plastic bag;
i threw all the old,used and unwanted clothes away,
leaving my stuffs so much lighter.
oh ya,
i have a "thank-you" list.
i would like to say a big THANK YOU to:
Legs-for chatting with me and all to make me feel better,but you didn't morning call me!!!
it's okay,cause i want you to rest more too. ((: take great care ya?
Bryan-for driving me to jurong point,to jurong east and then back home.without your help,i think my costume today wouldn't be much complete.
Dominic-for helping me to look for a outline map of singapore.without your help,
i don't think my costume would be complete too.and thanks for the offer to drive over. ((:
great seeing you.
Lily and Junhui-thanks for making time out to come join me in this event and being such a great help.i hope you girls enjoyed yourself and had a good time. cheers~
My team (Kiasu) members-great job people!!even though we did not win,but in my heart we did win. ((: we've done our best,wish you guys had a blasted time;like i did!!!if i did miss out anybody in the list,
let me know ya?cause i'm too tired,
eyelids turning heavy.
last but not least,
bedding soon.
school's on tomorrow,
normal timetable.
11:33 PM