Monday, July 31, 2006
dear heavenly Father,
i trust in you,
with everything i have.
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil,for you are with me;your rod and your staff,they comfort me."
despite all the disappointments and set backs,
i trust in you oh Lord.
"When the oceans rise and thunders roar,i will soar with you above the storms.Father,you are king over the flood,i will be still,know you are God."
so Lord i pray,
please tide me through this dark period of life.
bless me with a big heart and understanding;
to accept all these happenings.
bless me with strength and will,
to overcome all the problems.
bless me with wisdom and a clear mind,
to be able to think and solve.
above all,
i pray oh Lord,
that you will be with me at all times.
i prayed all these in Jesus name.
thank you Lord.
i'm sorry people,
i just had enough,
too much.
i can't take it up anymore,
i need a break,
a step back from everything.
9:23 PM
i'm coming back to the heart of worship,and it's all about YOU,it's all about YOU;,i've come to's only in God i could find comfort,love and everything i desire.He's always there,in the past,now,in the futureand forever.even when i left Him for the world,He has never given up on me.i'm thankful for His faithfulness,nothing i could ask for,i walk the dark valleys of life.i felt the abondonment of the world,but not from God.i feel ask if,He's calling out to me.telling me that;"my beloved child,come back home.i'm here,never will forsake you."i've once tasted His greatness,i'm regretful of my doings then.i seek for God's forgiveness,and i want to restore the diminishing fire,to be back to the once very on fire for i'm typing,i'm crying out oh LORD,my soul cries out for You.please come into my heart once again,use the blood of Jesus to cleanse me.i'm sorry LORD,for the things i've made it.when it's all about YOU,it's all about YOU;JESUS.
1:36 AM
Whats up?
I know we haven't spoken for a while
But I was thinkin bout you
And it kinda made me smile
So many things to say
And I'll put em in a letter
Thought it might be easier
The words might come out better
How's your mother, how's your little brother?
Does he still look just like you?
So many things I wanna know the answers to
Wish I could press rewind
And rewrite every line
To the story of me and you
Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you
Excuse me, I really didn't mean to ramble on
But there's a lot of feelings that still remain after you were gone
I guess you thought that I would put it all behind me
But it seems there's always somethin right there to remind me
Like a silly joke, or somethin on the t.v.
Boy it aint easy
When I hear our song
I get that same old feeling
Wish I could press rewind
Turn back the hands of time
And I shouldn't be telling you
Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you
Did you know I kept all of your pictures
Don't have the strength to part with them yet
Oh no....Tried to erase the way your kisses taste
But some things a girl can never forget
Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you
1:20 AM
Sunday, July 30, 2006
dad came home today.
he's early!!
we went out for lunch at the tiong bahru market,
all straving.
the place's renovated and kinda big.
lotsa food to choose from,
we had a little too heavy lunch.
after that,
we procceed to visit my grams.
my aunts and cousin were there too.
family gathering!
i love it~
daddy went to 'donate' monies to the singapore pools,
at the race course.
i was kinda upset with him going,
but i think he should have his own leisure too.
so he head off.
about 5.30pm,
papi picked me up from granny's place,
cause he promised to get back my old number.
we drove to town.
starhub,here we come!
plaza singapura is always so crowded,
so we went to the cuppage,
there isn't any costumer service there.
too bad.
we stopped at raffles place;
UOB building.
i got my new sim card.
and i got my dad to let me use his new samsung D520.
weets~ will get a new cell phone for myself soon,after i make a decision of which to buy.suggestions anyone?finished dealing with my sim card,back to granny's place to pick up mom and the dinner.i couldn't eat,not a little.cause i was still feeling full from the lunch.too filling.then home sweet home,mummy suddenly got the urge to club.and she asked me to bring her to those youth places.i didn't know where to go,so we went to bugis to walk around.boring~watched gig there,it's was so terrible.i wish i was at home sleeping rather than sitting there.ask them go home la,cannot make it!now,i'm finally back bed soon,church tomorrow!((:
the samsung D520 i'm using now.
it's his birthday,2907.i purposely wait till the last minute to wish him a happy birthday.not that i forgot his birthday,but i wanna be the special one.hahas.anyway,all i wish is that he'll be happy.and may God bless him.
last but not least,
hope you enjoy yourself,
best wishes.
1:37 AM
Saturday, July 29, 2006
i went for my cell group meeting just now.
i'm so happy!!!
so i posted just now,
about the encouraging message.
i'm here now,
to post more about encouraging things.
i shared a testimonial with the cell group,
about the message.
and i stepped out in faith.
like what a short message says,
some might know of it;
if you're willing to take the 1st step out,
the other 99 steps will be taken by the other party.i want to believe that it's true.
but as sure as i know,
God is always faithful even if i'm faithless.
cause as you can see,
i'm not been back to church for a long long time.
God has never give up on me.
even till today,
He still sent a messenger to tell me of His love.
and i know,
deep down in my heart,
He's always there and is good to me all the time.
like last week,
i was so blessed by Him.
i merely,
yes merely,
make a prayer aloud,saying;
"God,please be so nice to me and send a mercedes cab to take me home.Thank you."
and upon that prayer was made,
i turned my head,
there was a mercedes cab.
Connie could vouch for that.
i'm so glad,
He heard my prayers and answered it.
Thank God!
and i gotta say this,
i really miss going to church and cell group,
i swear it's so true.
it's at those times,
the God's people could gather together,
share,praise,worship and encourage each other in the spiritual way.
i felt really bad about leaving the house of God in the first place,
my members did not force me to go back.
as they know,
once we've tasted the goodness of God,
we know He's the one.
and i'm told i do not need to feel guilty for not going back,
He's like our father;
who would never forsake us,
always so forgiving,
and loving.
accepting us for who we are and change us for the for just now,
when i turned up for cell group,
everyone was so cheery and surprised.
everything's still the same and they told me that,
they're so glad to see me again.
i'm glad to see them all again too.
but most importantly,
all that matters' God.
during cell group just now,
i think and felt that it's God,
trying to talk to me.
through people i know and messages.
recently been kinda disappointed in life,
no matter in people or things.
i was kinda down.
the topic today is about
the dark valleys of life.
they are:
-inevitable (we gotta face them),
-unpredictable (we don't know when the problems are coming),
-inpartial (it is not bias,eg:bad things happen to good people too),
-temporaral (there'll be an ending to it,it does not goes on forever) and
-purposeful (there's a purpose behind each problem and faith is tested).
we're talking about psalm 23;
once of my favorite psalm that i've shared with connie a few weeks back.
Psalm 23:
A Psalm of David.
1 The LORD is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD
do not be afraid when you encouter the dark valleys of life,
and not be discouraged.
draw youself into God's presence and rely on God's protection and guidance.
we would come face to face with God at the darkest of time.
i'm happy that i went for cell group meeting just now,
it's so great!
once again,
Thank God for everything.
i would like to share a story;
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonged to him, and the other belonged to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him,he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."
The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you." i was so touched by the story,
it's shows how much the Lord had done for us.
He did not ditch us when the sky falls down on us.
He did not sit back and do nothing,
but He's with us all the way,
from the beginning to the end.
i hope you all enjoyed this post,
i know it's rather long,
but i just want to share.
thanks for taking the time out to read this lengthy entry,
i hope you've learnt and been touched by it.
3:50 AM
Friday, July 28, 2006
i feel so out of place,from i no longer exist,no one bothers to give a fuck about me.felt so used and dumped.and i've come to terms that the people are selfish,deep down;selfish.all that just matter,is them.they don't even care if you were there.they only come to you when they need you,knowing that you'll always be there.only they got what they want,you'll be jolly well pushed away.but who to blame?i've only got myself to blame.for being such a ___________________.(whatever word u wanna use.)i'd enough and is so tired of life,mankind's life.different people have got different views about me,but who,who will be the ones that would come into my world and know me.everyone merely pass-by,i'm like a shop,some people walk pass,comes in and look around;window shop.some walks in,see something they like,buy it;consumers.while the others,walk by without casting an eye,as if i'm not there at i'm feeling like i'm a soul,that's lost it's body.BUT,just within this minute,
as i'm typing away,
i was touched.
by God.
He sent a friend to text me,
and i do feel a bit a restoration.
the message goes like this;
"In Romans 8:38-- I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love which Jesus Our Lord shows us.We can't be separated by death or life,by angels or rulers,by anything in the world present or anything in the future,by forces or power above,or by anything else in creation.In this verse,God reminds us that nothing can get in the way of His love for us.In other words,God is saying there is no way anything can get between you and him.No fear.No risk.Remind yourself of that assurance on days when you might feel unloved.Then,look for ways to encourage others with the reminders of God's eternal love."
this is the day,
the day i feel so unloved.
but Thank God,
i know He's there and always will be.
i feel so encouraged.
i'm going for cell group later,
a surprise turn up at cell group meeting.
i miss my cell group!!
friends have been asking me to change church,
be with them in their church,
being a worship leader and all,
but i wouldn't bear to leave.
it's the same God we're serving,
but i want to stay in a church that i can feel His presence
and so much at home.
not to a place where i feel strange being and for the sake of something.
all these,
i would lift it up to God,
He knows what's best for me
and He will make the decision.
Let not my will,
but His will be done.
5:07 PM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

the knots i tied in my mouth using cherry studs. ((:
connie tried to snap me;once.

TWICE! but at least this time is nicer. (:
the girls.
the girl and the boy.
we're forced to take a picture like that.

the trio.
11:25 PM
oh ya,
i just remembered.
two days ago,
connie was trying to make me sign an agreement.
i was so reluctantly and make some changes to it,
making naing sign it in the end.
the agreement goes like this;
"I,Anabelle Jolyn Chua Siew Teng promise NOT to think of anyone else except CONNIE from today onwards,if not i'm a ku ku head."
and i changed it into;
"I,naing,promise NOT to think of anyone else except CONNIE from today onwards,if not i'm a ku ku head.--naing's signture."
i'm sorry guys,
i couldn't sign such agreements.
you know it,
it'd been difficult for me then and till now.
went out for dinner with connie and naing yesterday after our classes too,
had swensens.
filing dinner.
all of us had fun i reckon.
his birthday is coming soon,
i don't think we can see each other.
i just hope that,
he would enjoy himself on that day.
i wish someone could just shoot me;
blow my mind,
stop my heart from beating.
11:08 PM
i didn't had the mood to blog,so there's no entry last few's still the same.nothing much happening.and there's always physics test when i go for physics lessons.hahas.i merely pass my suprise test today.thank God.i think if i didn't update my blog,nobody would care's like so dead can~there's like no life for me.boring~faster get over with these days and i'll b free!!!((:i blog today for the sake of blogging.been doing things for the sake of doing nowadays.feel damn bad.what'd happened to me!!!ARGH!~shall go and bury myself under the covers tomorrow at 9.30a.m.i was late today!i'm left standing on my own.~
10:17 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
my cell phone's gone and it wouldn't be back again le.
those precious inside..
all gone...
i stayed home the whole day today.
only went out for breakfast and dinner.
supposed to go for a tanning session at sentosa with yuwen and yalun,
but the weather doesn't seems good,
thus it's off.
i meet QY for breakie this morning,
and i overslept.
it's still consider early as i woke up at 9am.
and i slept at the wee hours.
but as usual,
i wake up early despite oversleeping.
watched the omen at home today,
can watch la.
not very scary or anything,
can help waste time lo.
after that,
i had my nap.
nice nap,
and i woke up at 5pm.
cause of my temporary handphone rang
and my maid's alarm clock went off.
it's time to shower and prepare for dinner.
only cloud and me was at home,
dinner is to be settled by ourselves.
to jurong point we go,
and we filled our stomach with yummies.
walked and shopped around for a while,
cloud headed to meet his girlfriend
and offer me a ride home.
i am.
slacked till now,
getting the shut eyes soon.
lessons at 11 am tomorrow!!
must go to school!!
buck up!!
o levels coming!!!
11:43 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
i love 4B'05.
they're my sweeties.
had a gathering with some of them at jurong point's pizzahut just now.
enjoyed chatting and laughing away too.
took some photos,
and had a few hugs.
we couldn't bear to leave lo.
some went home after the dinner
while the others went for a few games of pool.
did not procceed as planned.
had fun anyway,
and i'm missing them already.
i miss those days in Hong Kah secondary school.
BUT today it's another not-my-day.
the best thing is...
i think i left it in the cab,
and some unkind soul took it.
my handphone's off now.
i got my dad to call and cancel the line for me.
and i called the cab's company.
i couldn't remember the number plate of the cab,
only knowing where did i board the cab and alight.
and the driver is a chinese.
i was so helpless la.
nothing i could do,
luckily lily is so nice;
she left me her phone to make those calls.
i gotta wait and wait till the next time that my dad'll be home again,
it'll be next week.
to get a new phone and sim card.
my dad did not scold me or anything,
he's just calm and all,
saying:"ok,will call to cancel the line and get you a new phone.your phone's not in a good condition already also.nevermind la."
when i heard that,
i was so shocked.
this is the second time i lost my handphone,
and he's kinda cool still with everything.
on the other hand,
when i told my mum i lost my phone,
it was a terrible mistake.
she nagged like no tomorrow,
as if with her naggings;
the phone will come back.
i'm like handicap now;
without my mobile.
i got a spare phone and hi card at home.
with all my contacts gone too,
cause of my youngest brother.
losing my sony ericsson k750i,
means losing all contacts,
pictures and everything in the cell.
without all these,
i felt i've lost a part of me too.
11:50 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
i feel good!!!
cause i'd helped my friend with some stuffs,
and i've done a great job.
so happy can...
something bad.
if there's something good,
there should be something bad eh?
i don't like the idea of that.
i woke up this morning,
with a uber 'sexy' voice.
i thought i changed sex over the night.
i was speaking like a man!!!
how is it possible la.
i'm not unwell or whatsoever.
why would i ended up with this voice?
does it mean that i'm a guy,
deep down in me?
i don't want that.
it's so freaking scary can.
to hell with that,
i'm so sure that i'm a female.
no doubts about that.
i'm a happy girl.
gonna go to school to get some stuffs later,
and meet connie up.
she's asked a favour,
so as the best sister on earth,
i'm left with no choice.
3:23 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
blogger's getting on my nerves....why does it bullies me too?)):can't it just publish my entries the way i want?things don't go my way..sighs~The journey home is never too long...Your heart arrives before the trainThe journey home is never too long...Some yesterdays always remain
I'm going back to where my heart was lightWhen my pillow was a ship, I sailed through the night
The journey home is never too long...When open arms are waiting thereThe journey home is never too long...There's room to love and room to spare
I want to feel the way that I did thenAnd think my wishes through before I wish again
Not every boat you come across is one you have to takeNow sometimes standing still can be the best move you ever make
The journey home is never too long...Home hopes to heal the deepest painThe journey home is never too long...Your heart arrives before the train
11:32 PM
please do not read this post,
i appreciate your kindness;
if you do so.
thank you!
Why those people who dare to commit suicide have the courage to die and yet not be brave enough to live and face the world.Perhaps, they thought that there's nothing more for them to love for anymore,and it's just a breathe of life they're left with.Thus dying means nothing to them
I'm not supposed to love you.
I'm not supposed to care.
I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder where are you or what you do.
I'm sorry I can't help myself cause...
I'm in love with you!
for you,
i'm willing.
when i can't find you,
i'm afraid,
really afraid.
that you'd walked out of my life.
and why are they still happy?
shouldn't Father Time wait for me?
i've stopped,
but the others did not.
the world wouldn't stop for me.
it does not revolve around me,
the earth just continue to rotate.
time waits for no man.
so do not wait for tomorrow;
to do something for the others.
the one you love~
when things are at your highest,
problems seems to have slowly arise.
but i believe;
i'll see the light of happiness,
one day.
give me sometime,
i can find my way.
i would want to see your smile,
rather than your frown.
DIDN'T I??!!??
10:35 PM
nowadays,i've got sleeping usual aye?no,not like usual.this time round,no matter how early or late i sleep,i would wait up uber early.i could even wake up and wake my maid;to wake my family up,for school and work.what's more,i've got trouble going back to sleep again.i would toss and turn,use my magic pillow(it always helps me to get to sleep) to cover my eyes,all these;to no avail.if i could get back to sleep,i would over-sleep,thus i need to ruch around to get things doneand all.well,i had a bad dream this morning;a nightmare.i got bullied in school,my bag was in a very negative cellphone and mp3 were was a tragedy.but luckily,it's all a nightmare,and when i let it out,it wouldn't come true right?((:still can't get you outta my head.
1:53 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
O levels are coming!!!!i must got my lazy ass to work hard,very hard.this time,i gotta make it through.slog girl!~nothing much on nowadays.boring~ah,something nice.i didn't know that SKY is a bit well-known.hahas.some people had come to tell me that;they really like SKY,all positive comments.((:i hope the business there would always be striving.more and more people frequent and become trouble makers and no bad things shall befall on me~
1:03 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
the world is selfish,they only think for themselves.for their ownself,nothing else matters.things need not be too clear,not even long as things goes their way,that's enough.friends;what are they for?could someone define?i've not much friends,seriously speaking.i take my friendships seriously,i only wanna give the best that i could to everyone.friends,other than God and my family,means everything to me.friends are people,whom u look up to,whom you share your woes,wealth and everything with.whom you love and miss.whom will always be there with you,not at all times,but the times when you needed someone the most.whose shoulder you could lie on and cry,and even cry with you.for my friends,i would go miles too,just to put a smile on their face,cause when they're happy,i'm happy too.friends respect decisions made and not try to change one another cause they accept,for who their friend is.friends voices out to their friends and stand up for their friends,in anything and everything.all they say were the things,that ever matters.friends are people,who will always be in my heart;craved,who have beautiful images in my eyes.the friends i have,that come,i don't want to let go.i would not let go of you,not even till the time you let go of me.i still wanna hold on,for friends are for life.even though as time goes by,we may not be like what we used to be.but know this,i'll always be here.i i guess,this is my 'friends',what about yours?i felt that i've been used. i'm not wary of other things anymore, i feel as if i'm gonna lose all of my everything;including myself. still there? )): i'm not a happy girl i supposed, just trying to be a clown;that shed the most saddest tears.
2:29 AM
Monday, July 17, 2006

the lolly that i always wanted...

i got it today...
uber sweet can...

the girl who got the lolly too...
we went for dinner at jurong east just now,
and went for a little shopping at jurong point.
thereafter,procceed to my place
for some religious talks.

together with the lolly we've got,
it's cam-whoring time.
she bit her lolly while i slowly lick it.
so cute,
can't bear to eat.
i would keep it in my fridge,
bring it out for frequent licks;
9:52 PM
i could feel a mixtures of feelings within me.
the feeling that i gonna be down with sore throat;
as my throat is itching now.
the feeling of monday blues;
it's a new week again.
i somehow love it,
but i hate it too.
cause it marks the end of the week,
it's monday again.
and of course,
the feeling of school blues;
there'll be school tomorrow.
from 9.30am-6pm.
hectic day~
feeling of like an ass,
should find a hole
and hide in it.
be an ass in a hole;
i'm missing somebody right now; that him... will he ever knows that i miss him his birthday is coming, near the end of the month. i wonder what present i could give to him. i should be contented of what i have now, shouldn't give much thoughts to it; if will we get together again. yes; i like him alot, and i love him. but i'll just do what i should do, wouldn't let him be bothered with me feelings towards him. if not, it might all be gone.
my nice mommy ordered mcdonald's breakie for all of us.
big breakfast meal with ice milo for me.
might be meeting up with connie for dinner after school,
back in jurong.
miss her so,
haven't see her for quite a while.
catch up;
we need.
i'm hitting the sack
and getting my winks after the publishing of this post.
so now,
i would like to wish,
the guy who robbed me of my heart,
my loved ones
and all;
even the one reading this now.
12:27 AM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Where'd You Go? by Fort MinorWhere'd you go?I miss you so,Seems like it's been forever,That you've been gone.She said "Some days I feel like shit,Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,"I don't understand why you have to always be gone,I get along but the trips always feel so long,And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone,'Cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone,But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,But when I pick up I don't have much to say,So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"I miss you so,Seems like it's been forever,That you've been gone.Where'd you go?I miss you so,Seems like it's been forever,That you've been gone,Please come back home...You know the place where you used to live,Used to barbeque up burgers and ribs,Used to have a little party every Hallowe'en with candy by the pile,But now, you only stop by every once in a while,Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time with,Anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,You can call me if you find you have somethin' to say,And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"I miss you so,Seems like it's been forever,That you've been gone.Where'd you go?I miss you so,Seems like it's been forever,That you've been gone,Please come back home...I want you to know it's a little fucked up,That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,For while you're not around, and feeling so useless,It seems one thing has been true all along,You don't really know what you got 'til it's gone,I guess I've had it with you and your career,When you come back I won't be here and you'll can sing it...Where'd you go?I miss you so,Seems like it's been forever,That you've been gone.Where'd you go?I miss you so,Seems like it's been forever,That you've been gone,Please come back home...Please come back home...Please come back home...Please come back home...Please come back home...this song is on the account of someone to another day,he'll hear it,and it would be so clear to words.
7:48 PM
another birthday celebration on 14.07.06
the star of the day;my God-father.... MR BEN!
the acts of sabotages

(that's my auntie trying to make my God-father hold the strawberry in his mouth.)

credit most to me
rushed to wash up;got retribution
my two favorite uncles were also there

(me,uncle benny and uncle roland)
uncle benny and MR nice guy Z,who sent me home that day

the lovely rose that uncle benny gave me

and we advertised for CHIVAS

fun-filled day!
now,the randoms...

(people say we look kinda alike;angela and me.)

(the red-face drunken may and me.)
credits to may's blog;for the pictures.thank you. (:
4:59 PM
presenting the birthday girl of 11.07.06... YUWEN!
people who were there to celebrate with her...

singing the world's famous birthday song...

kisses for the birthday girl...

great day it was!

4:47 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
okays.i've not been nice;for the lack of updates.but who reads and care about my blog anyway.needless to say,i'm still a good to blog le.((:went out with my mum for her social dance gathering,at chua chu kang on thursday night.more like chinese lunar seventh month;hungry ghost festival 2 ladies singing their heads off and the audience clapping their hands.watched a few dance items being performed too.dancing is a good form of requires the work of all parts of the body,it's a healthy workout.after the gathering,mum's friend drove us home,chatted with Legs for a while,then off to for yesterday; was my God-father's birthday.we had a celebration at my pub,with quite a number of guests.i'm happy that everyone enjoyed themselves,but guilty that i couldn't be a good host to everyone.there're just too much things to be done,and i've got to help out.brought a cake along,as a present for my God-father.he liked it.((:drank a lot,as i had to drink for my God-parents;they were drunk,totally.and i gotta help entertain the guests.didn't had any kick at felt like drowning gallons of water,that my bladder was like gonna burst for so many times.a handful of people had a little too much drink,and the night didn't ended up very happy.fights broke out,2 at the same time.but only at last night,i met so much people.they somehow,in a way or another,is related to me.all my elders.i was like so shocked and confused,by all the people i met.i do not need to strike a conversation with anyone,and there's already a few that approach me to pull some strings.came home late,showered and met up with may and christ at my place's void deck.had a talk,but i shan't emphaise more.finally came home,thought i could get some rest,as i was dead beat and had injured my little find out in the end that,i couldn't sleep,,rise and shine.watched tv,chatted on the phone and all,till now.some people,they are so lost in their life.they do not know what they want out of it.even if they do presume that;they may know what they want in life,but are they realistic or right?are they trying to acheive it in a right way?bear this in mind,not all but to some,males are bastards and females are doesn't pay to be nice and fuck it,enough's done,hands off.
7:08 PM
Thursday, July 13, 2006
5:26 PM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
i'm not totally sure about the 2 moons thingy,i got known to it from my friend as well.what i gotta say is,let's wait till that day and see for ourselves yea?((:yingling,i'm not insane,you are.:pmy nose is giving me trouble again.running like a tap water and sneezing nonstop.sighs.but,nonetheless,i'm still a happy girl.((:my day was made,since last night.hahas.well,i'm good today.i went to IMM to get some tarts home for my family.the so appealing tarts,tastes so heavenly yet so sinfully.i accompanied my dad for lunch too,that was my first meal of the day.yummies~we headed home to fetch the others and drove off to granny's place,picking up 2 packets of fried prawn noodles and 4 durians on the's because Cloud haven't had his lunch and i'm craving for durians.hees.slacked at granny's place for sometime,pay their bills,and it was time for dinner.suntec;the place for today's dinner.before dinner,my whole family headed to the carrefour for some daily essentials.dinner was served at Imperial Teochew Kitchen.very filling dinner,i so wanted to throw up after that;too full.remember that time we went to the Imperial Cantonese Kitchen,it costs us about $300.this time is Teochew one,i wonder what was the amount of monies we ate.home was the last place of the day.upon reaching,i dashed straight for the washroom;my bladder was bursting.LOLSshowered,packed my stuffs and here i am.blogging.should be resting early today,i hope!i used up 2 packets of tissuses already!!!gotta go take my medication's you,that made my day.i think about you all the time~
10:04 PM
i just saw a post;
regarding that there'll be 2 moons on the 27th of august.
(read below)
Dear all,
FYI, don't miss out the greatest opportunity.
Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night skystarting August.It will look as large as the full moonto the naked eye.This will cultimate on Aug. 27when Mars comes within 34.65M miles of earth.
Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. Itwill look like the earth has 2 moons.The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.
Share this with ur friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again.
how true is this?
i asked LEGGIES about this
and he's not sure.
i can't wait for 27th august to come.
i wanna look at the skies;
to see if there'll be an appearance of the second moon
and whether if it'll be a sky filled with stars.
i love stars,
they're always there,
shining with their might regardless of day or night.
they light up the sky with their sparkles at night.
how nice,
i wish i could watch the skies with you on the 27 of'll be a moment that words are just not enough to describe.well,i'm gonna sleep soon.
waking up at 9am for school.
nights me love,i hope you'll have a pleasant sleep and honey dreams.sleep early~missing...
1:15 AM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
i went jogging just now!!!
with him~
i'm a happy girl la!!!~
i did badly for the run today,
slacked for a few days,
and i lagged like hell.
my thighs itch like nobody's business,
gonna leave the stratch marks again.
course when i run,
my legs will itch and i'll stratch.
bad habit.
i gotta run more le,
if not i'm so going to die.
he jogged all the way from his home;
kinda long distance with his brother,
to my home.
we jogged around the park and back to my home.
power right?
did walk a lot though.
not a good thing,
and they say i put on weight.
so all the more i must lose them;
the fats.
hope to jog more with him.
i bit him just now,
in the lift.
all the sweat,
but still nice la. hees..
thanks Leggies~
i miss those times~
when i saw him just now,
i was just so happy,
after so long,
that we haven't met.
at that time,
i wish,
we were...
more than friends la.
or time could have stopped.
i'm just thinking too much.
i know.
don't wake me up can?
i can't bear to see him leave just now,
i wish we could have more time.
would you stay?
11:28 PM
oh God,
i can't wait to go jogging.
in fact i'm dying to go jogging.
10 o'clock faster come,
my mum's trying to ask me not to go jogging again,
i wondered why.
so this time round i pursued an answer from her.
she told me.
there was a robbery incident near our place;
that short-cut which is so dimly lit.
she heard this from her friends,
you know those tongue-waggers.
they'll spread the news and all.
so dangerous lehs.
remember years ago,
there was this police chasing some guys incident in the mid-night.
it was so noisy,
and rumours said that it's related to drugs.
oh my,
my neighbourhood is horrible.
lotsa bangalas too,
no;i'm not being racist.
it's just the fact,
you should live here to know it.
too many cases happened around here,
i can't possibly write them all out.
next time perhaps,
i can be a story teller.
daddy's coming home tomorrow,
we're going to granny's place.
most importantly,
he's on his way,
we're going jogging!
9:42 PM
i'm back home now,
just had a little food.
cause was having a mere gastric,gotta eat.
and i cabbed today.
i cabbed home,
as i can't afford to wait for the public transport to get me home,
and walk the distance home,with the hurting pain.
i thought i was so going to vomit my lungs out,
totally suffering man.
took medication already.anyway,
i'm feeling better now .
like what i said yesterday;
i die die also wanna jog,
means i'm so gonna jog today.
mum did the cooking today,
how rare.
luckily she haven't lost her cooking skills,
if not...
daddy might be coming home tomorrow.
8:00 PM
hees... i'm preparing to go to school,leaving my place at 12.30pm.taking the train!!now waiting for my maid to buy me my roasted chicken drumstick's my soup to go with,my favorite A-B-C soup.((:damn la,everything's prices going up.think we're very rich huh?my father don't own a bank,and my mother don't print monies okay?my grandfather is not bill gates,i'm a poor little girl.tell me,what other things are gonna rise their prices?everything needs money,money makes the world goes round eh?i think that money is evil,it's nasty.BLOODY doubt that,yes; i do need money.but it's not a scarce's people don't understand what i'm trying to say,only if they were to know the things,bad things mind you,related to money,then you will understand me.alrights,i'm going to have my brunch now,change and leave for school again laters.
11:59 AM
12:07 AM
Monday, July 10, 2006
my day was alright.
watched tv programmes on the cable;
my all-time favorite.
had dinner at around 6pm.
weather was great,
wanted to go for my daily jogs.
but no one was so nice to accompany me.
it was 8pm
and my mum said it was to dangerous,
thus suggested yoga.
it's been a long long time since i yoga-ed.
it also a form of exercise.
i like it,
so dropped the idea of jogging and did yoga instead.
i promised myself;
to jog tomorrow.
no matter if there's company or what,
die die must jog.
imma so gonna do it.
it was raining so heavily this morning.
i got woken up by it.
thought that there was a earthquake.
the thunders and lightnings were so scary. the electric supply tripped.
i didn't dare to sleep.
will you hold me through?
i hid under the covers till don't when,
i drifted back to my wonderland;
and i dreamt of you.
you made my day.
i'm happy with myself;
cause i've been sleeping and waking up early.
hope this will continue and becomes a routine.
lessons in school today was fine.
9.30am's lesson was cancelled;
thus only need to report to class at 11am.
world cup's over,
hope my class will be back with full force.
fight the battle together,
o levels.
did i mention that the school where i'll be taking my papers is Yuan Ching Secondary School?
it's freaking near my place la.
just downstairs in other words.
gotta be in school at 1.30pm for maths tomorrow.
hope mr koh's sore throat is fine,
and he'll be able to teach.
study mode's on!~
10:27 PM